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There’s Only One of You

There’s Only One of You

First off, let’s acknowledge the fact that I haven’t been very inactive on the blog in the past couple of months. This is for good reason! April and May have been heavily focused on promoting Mental Damnation: Reality across Alberta, British Columbia and in the...

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Stop Working!

Stop Working!

Stop working. Read, meet up with some friends or go for a drink. In this day and age we are seeing some of the greatest technological advancements that are allowing us to communicate faster, produce quicker and more efficiently to save us more time – yet we seem to...

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Welcome 2017

Welcome 2017

Another whole year has come and gone, wow. With the release of Seed Me and the score World Mother it has been quite busy with little downtime. First of all, a big shout out to everyone who supported me this year with the launch it has been humbling and motivating!...

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A Day Late!

A Day Late!

November is behind us and we have entered the last month of 2016 – wow. Where did all the time go? There’s a lot of mixed thoughts regarding 2016, it has been a very active year filled with politics, racism, social justice and death. It seemed like anywhere you went...

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Halloween will Freeze – Ho! Ho! Ho!

Halloween will Freeze – Ho! Ho! Ho!

Halloween is around the corner! What a fun month October is. Costumes, candies, ghosts and ghouls. I enjoy the fact that people are more accepting of exploring the darker aspects of life during this time period. The dark, taboo and grotesque lines up with the stories...

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The Accelerating Fall

The Accelerating Fall

Summer is gone! That’s the first thing I thought when I noticed September rolled on out. It is hard to believe that the only two months of warmth that we get here in Edmonton were over. However that is the nature of the Alberta and we eventually get 8-10 months of...

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Live Readings All Month

Live Readings All Month

Summer is here, meaning more time outside is needed. Hence in the month of July I was rather vacant. Plus, with the launch of my new novel Seed Me I haven’t had a lot of time to spend on blogging. A lot of it has been spent on social media promotional posters,...

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Unprocessed Thoughts – June

Unprocessed Thoughts – June

Do you ever sporadically get a wild idea in your head, one that you feel is so exciting that you can’t get out of your mind? Basically you’re fixated on the concept until you follow through with the idea? Whether that is writing it down, drawing it, creating or...

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