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Potholes, Not Dead Ends

Potholes, Not Dead Ends

Three months into the new year and so much planning have been made to pave the road for what is to come. That is a vague and quick summary of what I have been up to for 2019. Overall my online activity has been a bit quiet as of late; this is due to an array of...

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Try New Things

Try New Things

May, almost over and it has not been nearly as crazy as April. The previous month was loaded with trade show work for clients, tax season and the launch of YEGman, wow. Not really sure how I managed to get it all completed. I suppose sleep was sacrificed to the gods....

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Stepping Into the Unknown

Stepping Into the Unknown

The first month of 2018 is coming to a close, I have come back from holidays and in full swing once again. This means I got to get on top of writing more helpful blog posts. As it is, they’re mostly announcements of what I have on the go with YEGman and the new Sounds...

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Three Weeks of Self-reflection

Three Weeks of Self-reflection

It’s 2018! 2017 sure went by fast. Let’s not get into reminiscing the entire year right now. Instead, this blog post is going to get into the last three weeks. As a matter of fact, I was having a stay-cation since December 23rd up to January 15th. It wasn’t a full on...

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Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018

Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018

The last day of 2017 is finally here – woohoo! It has been a drastic twelve months of change both locally and globally. Discussing globally would be a much larger topic, so we will keep this last blog post of the year related to what I have to share with you. First...

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The Author Mindset

The Author Mindset

Everyone has a story to tell, whether it is about a faraway land with monsters and elves or exploring their past. The point is, there is a story waiting to be told through each and every one of us. There are many different types of mediums that a story can be...

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Balancing Stubbornness and Humility

Balancing Stubbornness and Humility

In any creative field, there are going to be people in life that tell you not to pursue your dreams and there will be those that encourage you. It ultimately becomes a fine line of balancing stubbornness and humility in our minds. Sometimes we do steer too far one way...

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Texting or Email for Work?

Texting or Email for Work?

Updated June 03, 2020 Should you be texting or email for work? Which one is the right method to send information to someone? It is a grey area for many people. If you start asking your colleagues, you will find there is a wide a range of opinions on the proper...

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