Unprocessed Thoughts

Potholes, Not Dead Ends

Potholes, Not Dead Ends

Three months into the new year and so much planning have been made to pave the road for what is to come. That is a vague and quick summary of what I have been up to for 2019. Overall my online activity has been a bit quiet as of late; this is due to an array of...

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No Pain No Gain

No Pain No Gain

Post number two with testing speech to text. So far, it has been a challenging experience. Like other authors say, it is a completely different way of handling your thinking process. While writing with a keyboard, you enter a trance where words are processed...

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Sitting on a Manuscript

Sitting on a Manuscript

Welcome back to unprocessed thoughts, this is the first installment of 2019. 2018 offered many exciting growth opportunities, and 2019 is shaping up to be of a similar caliber. Last year I was sitting on a manuscript that I wrote in the spring, because it had some...

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Goodbye 2018

Goodbye 2018

December 31st has arrived. New Year’s Eve. Goodbye 2018. What an exciting year it has been! First a huge thank you to everyone that has been a part of the journey throughout 2018. This post is the last Unprocessed Thoughts for the year and is going to be a summary and...

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Double Up

Double Up

October flew by, and I must apologize for not having completed an Unprocessed Thoughts for that month. Because of that, we will double up on inner thoughts, exciting news and even the beer! Welcome to another edition of Unprocessed Thoughts You might be wondering why...

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Buckle Up

Buckle Up

2018 Fall has arrived with a vengeance! Buckle up; we’re in for a ride. We got snow at the Edmonton Expo last weekend and went back up to plus double digits; this is Alberta. Regardless of the weather, the turnout was quite exceptional at the comic con and am pleased...

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What A Ride

What A Ride

Summer is over, what a ride! Many exciting things happened over the past two months. Lots of writing took place, met new colleagues and attended When Words Collide. This year was the first time that I participated in presenting and sitting on a panel. Some exciting...

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Professional Juggler

Professional Juggler

Another late Unprocessed Thoughts! Shame... shame on missing the mark. This post is technically for July’s edition but it is being released in August. This is an improvement from last year, during the summer of 2017, the blog was a sitting duck. This year I am making...

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Gears Are Turning

Gears Are Turning

June is on its way out! Another month completed and truthfully not a lot of writing has been done in this month. Gears are turning though. The month has been spent working on networking, scoping out the next year and researching. If you are itching for something to...

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