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How to Craft a First Chapter

How to Craft a First Chapter

By J.J. Reichenbach As an editor, I read a lot of first chapters and coach authors on what does and doesn’t need to be included in them. The rules vary a little bit depending on which genre you’re writing in (for example, literary works are allowed a much slower pace...

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The Agony and Ecstasy of the Short Story

The Agony and Ecstasy of the Short Story

by Sarah L. Johnson Life is like an owl pellet. Why? I dunno. Owl pellets are cool and there are worse things life could be like...the owl itself, for instance. Thing is, I've wanted to write an owl pellet story for a long time and I had an idea once, but it turned...

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In Defense of Literature

In Defense of Literature

SAN DIEGO – At my own peril, I’ll venture a thesis: there’s a difference between good writing, on the one hand, and successful writing, on the other. They can coincide, but as often as not, they don’t. Bear with me, I promise I’m not one of those effete literary snots...

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The Children's Writer's Guide by Simon Rose

The Children's Writer's Guide by Simon Rose

I’m pleased to welcome back Simon Rose, author of fifteen novels and many nonfiction books for children and young adults. He’s also the author of eight guides for aspiring authors and has just released the second installment of The Children’s Writer’s Guide. So what’s...

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Hire an Editor

Hire an Editor

As the title says – hire an editor. No ands, ifs, or buts. There, blog post done. You can stop reading now. This is a question that comes up often from aspiring writers, new authors, or in interviews. Perhaps I just hear it more since I’ve gone the self-publishing...

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Are Holidays For Writing?

Are Holidays For Writing?

The end of the year is here. The Christmas spirit is in and everyone is rushing to get everything ready for the 25th. Some companies will shut down for the week of Christmas and many people take vacation time to visit family. These are the holidays. In a way we become...

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