I'm pleased to share that I was interviewed by Bold Journey discussing how I dealt with Imposter Syndrome in the early days of my writing and graphic design business. We also chat about my background, the top three important qualities I focus on, and the most...
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What is Your Hero’s Journey? by Konn Lavery on Speak Up Talk Radio
New Guest Post Firebird Book Award-winning author Konn Lavery (CRYSTAL MOTH CONSPIRACY) shares some tips on multidimensional character building in today's Blogatini post. Read Today
Writers of Horror Podcast (Episode #005)
Join Julie Hiner as she talks to the multi-talented Konn Lavery. Big thanks to The Writers of Horror and Julie for having me. Check out their site for more goods. In this episode we cover: Memories of first writing at a young age Inspiration - writing, graphic design,...
World-building: A Superverse
World-building is something every author needs to do for their books. Whether it's a thriller, fantasy, sci-fi, horror or literature. All of them have some world that the characters fall into. You can also take this one step beyond world-building and turn it into a...
Make Time for Writing. NaNoWriMo 2022: Ash Book 2
NaNoWriMo is just around the corner. Are you ready? I’m pleased to share that I will participate in NaNoWriMo for the first time since 2020. Unfortunately, the event doesn’t always line up with the writing schedule. I am doing NaNoWriMo this year because I will make...
Chiselling Away at Writing Vs Burst Sessions
Chiselling away at writing bests burst sessions over a long time. You'd be amazed at what a little bit per day will do vs doing burst sessions and taking breathers in-between. This is your classic tortoise versus the hare scenario. As great as it is to have massive...
Diabolic Shrimp Short Stories, Poetry, and Novella Panel
In the latest edition of Monday’s Tartar Sauce, bestselling author and comic creator Josh Grant interviews authors Jamey Boelhower, and Konn Lavery. They discuss creating compelling short stories, poetry, and novellas in an epic panel (with some trivia at the end)!...
Keeping Momentum While Writing
Keeping momentum while writing is key to writing. It’s basically the “running a marathon” concept that we are familiar with as writers. It’s easier said than done, like most things when talked about. Little bits of consistency goes a long way, and before you know it,...
I'm pleased to have contributed to the Ginger Nuts of Horror website where I chat about the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly when writing with horror. Read full article on Ginger Nuts of Horror