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Simon Rose releases his new novel Future Imperfect

Simon Rose releases his new novel Future Imperfect

I’d like to welcome back Simon Rose for another chat about his latest novel, Future Imperfect, that has recently been published. Back in March Simon Rose and I had discussed his writing background and his novel Flashback. We ran into each other at the Calgary Comic...

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Damnation at the Calgary Comic Expo

Damnation at the Calgary Comic Expo

This year I got to join in the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, the bigger brother of the Edmonton Expo, spanning for 4 days. The sheer size of the expo space and the amount of attendees is impressive and well worth seeing if you ever find yourself in Calgary....

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Ben Galley – A Self-Publishing Wizard

Ben Galley – A Self-Publishing Wizard

This blog post covers a unique opportunity I had to speak with fellow fantasy and indie author Ben Galley. I met Ben Galley through a random stumble on the web, finding his online self-publishing consulting services, Shelf Help. Ben provided one on one discussion...

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Guest on Mercedes Fox's Blog

Guest on Mercedes Fox's Blog

Werewolf enthusiast horror author Mercedes Fox had me as a guest on her blog. Check it out. Mercedes Fox Blog Interview - Meet Author Konn Lavery We cover some of the following topics: Why do you write? When did you decide to become a writer? What genre are your books...

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End of 2015… What’s Next?

End of 2015… What’s Next?

Another year has come and gone, wow. Where did 2015 go? Regardless of where it went, the past 365 days have been filled with ambitious goals and fun events. First off, I would like to give a big thanks to everyone who has been a part of my life and helped me...

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