Konn Lavery

5 Tips to Build Writing Habits

At the start of each year people often set up New Year’s Resolutions/goals for themselves. Perhaps it is time to tackle that manuscript you have been wanting to work on. Maybe you want to continue a novel that you haven’t been able to set time to work on. Reasons...

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Guest on Mercedes Fox's Blog

Guest on Mercedes Fox's Blog

Werewolf enthusiast horror author Mercedes Fox had me as a guest on her blog. Check it out. Mercedes Fox Blog Interview - Meet Author Konn Lavery We cover some of the following topics: Why do you write? When did you decide to become a writer? What genre are your books...

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End of 2015… What’s Next?

End of 2015… What’s Next?

Another year has come and gone, wow. Where did 2015 go? Regardless of where it went, the past 365 days have been filled with ambitious goals and fun events. First off, I would like to give a big thanks to everyone who has been a part of my life and helped me...

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A couple months back I was on the Minstrel Cycle podcast to chat about my Mental Damnation novel series and the upcoming Seed Me novel for 2016.  Give the podcast a listen for some jokes, laughs and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) material. You've been warned!...

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The Pentawreath – Concept to Final Piece

November 29th a new design I completed was released for SANE Clothing’s Christmas line. The piece itself was a digital illustration with a number of conceptual revisions coming from the the original piece back in 2014. Originally the concept was a part of the Mental...

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6 Guidelines to Self Editing Your Novel

So you have a full manuscript complete? You’ve written every word in each chapter from start to finish – congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done It is not easy to complete an entire book. The question is, are you actually done?...

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Finished Your Manuscript, Now What?

NaNoWriMo is at the end of the third week, giving one final full week to reach the 50,000 word mark. As of today, you are now able to validate your word count to see if you if you have hit the goal. The exciting part about finishing NaNoWriMo is deciding what to do...

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25,000 Words Reached!

NaNoWriMo is in the second week and I have hit the 25,000 word mark! That is half way to the 50,000 goal for the end of the month. It has kept me busy (among the graphic design and web work and trying to maintain something called a social life) meaning this blog post...

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