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In a small remote village, the town schedules their entire lives around sunlight. Anyone bold – or stupid – enough to be out at dark, are never seen again. Darold’s little brother, Edmund, doesn’t understand why they should be afraid of the otherkin and tests the...

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Purity This Fall

Purity This Fall

Following the re-release of Dream: Part 2 of Mental Damnation in 2017 fall, Fusion is also being re-released. Originally the third Mental Damnation novel was hinted on June 26th through social media. Now the second edition’s manuscript is complete, renamed, and being...

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Simon Rose – Parallel Destiny

Simon Rose – Parallel Destiny

My guest today is Simon Rose, author of many novels and nonfiction books for children and young adults. His latest novel, Parallel Destiny, has just been released. So tell us about the new book Parallel Destiny Parallel Destiny is the third part of the paranormal...

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