Unprocessed Thoughts

A New Fall

A New Fall

As with every year, the September version of Unprocessed Thoughts is themed around the end of summer, the coming of fall, and what a crazy busy year it is. This year is a new fall, which has been busy, but differently. There are no conventions this year. The Edmonton...

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Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim

The business side of writing is a whole other ball game. Talk to anyone about it who has a book published. We don’t all enjoy it, and those that do – curse you. For many others and I, the real joy is in writing, but we do need to market our work. Often, we’re trying...

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Keep on Writing

Keep on Writing

We’re just over halfway done the year and what a weird one it has been. 2020 is the end of a decade (as each decade starts on the 1st). 2021 will launch us into a new era for our time. A paradigm shift, if you will. All of us wish for our lives to get back to some...

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Going Digital

Going Digital

My marketing has primarily been in person through book signings, conventions, and public speaking events. Of course, in 2020, all that changed and going digital is key. Yes, I am a graphic designer and web developer by trade. People mistake me as either an I.T. guy or...

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Short Stories and Transmedia

Short Stories and Transmedia

We are over two months into the pandemic self-isolation. Here in Edmonton, the government has initiated phase one of reopening the economy. Personally, I will continue to wait and stay indoors. Life isn't too different from my regular work schedule. I have a home...

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Six Weeks into A New Routine

Six Weeks into A New Routine

In Alberta, we are six weeks into a new routine, thanks to the pandemic lockdown. For a lot of people, this has been a difficult adjustment period. On a personal level, the changes haven't been too out of the ordinary for me. I was homeschooled up to the end of junior...

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Self-Isolation Adventures

Self-Isolation Adventures

Wow, the world sure has been thrown upside down. The whole COVID-19 has shaken up every country on the planet. Now we all are having our self-isolation adventures. Some places in the world have had it far worse than others, and the media is covering it all. News...

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Polishing Manuscripts

Polishing Manuscripts

We are still early in 2020, and already it is shaping up to be an exciting year. I am polishing manuscripts that have been in the works since 2018 and 2019. The past couple of years have allowed me to write a lot and study a lot. In a way, it’s like being a student...

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What Publishing Route

What Publishing Route

The first month of the year is now almost over! I’ve only been working for about three weeks since I got back from vacation. I’ll admit, I haven’t done as much writing as I thought I would have. That is okay because I’m also going to take it slower and a lot of the...

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