Unprocessed Thoughts

Life Goes On

Life Goes On

Writing is best treated as a lifelong commitment if you are serious about it. Life goes on whether you like it or not, constantly moving into the future. So, you might as well do something that fuels your soul, and a lifelong commitment can’t be measured by single...

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Pump the Brakes!

Pump the Brakes!

My horror novel, Rave, is officially released! We had a killer digital launch with a virtual gallery, reading, and music from the novel’s score. I’m incredibly excited to have shared the event with everyone who was able to show up. Rave has been in the works for three...

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Four-Month Crunch Goodbye!

Four-Month Crunch Goodbye!

Spring is in Alberta! We’re at record high covid cases! Lockdown again! The weather is nice though, that’s a plus, right? Yes, it is. We’re out of winter, and I’m celebrating a four-month crunch goodbye! 2021 has given me plenty of time to reflect on the writing...

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Ascend from the Rabbit Hole

Ascend from the Rabbit Hole

We're into day 377 of Alberta's two-week flatten the curve plan. Now, entering the fourth month of 2021, we are in a warm spell – woohoo! Previously in February and January, Alberta experienced record-breaking cold temperatures. It was truly intense, even for us...

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Soft Launch and Beyond

Soft Launch and Beyond

I have mentioned in previous years that January, February, and March are my favourite months of the entire year. Unlike other months, most people are on a down-low from the holiday hype and don't have much money. Plus, Alberta it is super cold, and businesses are...

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Adapt, Overhaul, and Launch

Adapt, Overhaul, and Launch

My presence online has been a bit lacking as of late, not to worry, though. After my two weeks off from contract design and web work, I thought a bit about what's next with the writing career. 2020 was experimentation. Now it's time to adapt, overhaul, and launch. A...

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Backlogging Saviour

Backlogging Saviour

Do you know what is super effective and efficient for writing? Backlogging. Seriously, it has been a major lifesaver for this whole month of November. The life of a contractor rides highs and lows, and I am no exception. There's that old cliché – when it rains, it...

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NaNoWriMo 2020: Experimentation Time

NaNoWriMo 2020: Experimentation Time

We are at the end of October, hooray! This means Halloween is here and two months left of 2020. Where will 2021 go? Let's not get into world concerns or politics. However, it is always in the back of our minds. Perhaps all the wacky world events has given you some...

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