Going Digital
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My marketing has primarily been in person through book signings, conventions, and public speaking events. Of course, in 2020, all that changed and going digital is key. Yes, I am a graphic designer and web developer by trade. People mistake me as either an I.T. guy or a marketing guru. Graphic design and web development (on their own, let alone together) are entirely separate skills from traditional or online marketing. Promoting in the digital space has some crossover in the real world in terms of theory, which helps. In the end, online and traditional are different arenas—time to buckle up and learn something new by going digital.
Welcome to Another Edition of Unprocessed Thoughts
Everyone has had the pandemic affect them, and I won’t dig into that too far. But let me say again, I have completed a LOT of projects in the past few months. Many of them haven’t seen the light of day yet. Their time will come.
There is a mammoth-of-a-task looming at hand, for I find myself in silence. There is nothing but dead air. The strengths I once had while interacting with fans and engaging new ones have fizzled out. In-person events are a thing of the past! Now the world has been shot into the digital realm, and like many other authors, its time to find out how going digital works.
Going Digital A Little Late
Over the past decade, there has been a massive increase in online noise. I am directly involved by building websites for people over these ten years. The ever-increasing digital smothering static is from tech accessibility, access to the web, social media, and distribution companies. These platforms make it easier than ever for each person to have their unique voice. Hashtags, search engines, and categories help people have their voices heard. All of it will make or break your ability to find and maintain your audience.
Like many authors whose strengths were in person, I am going digital going digital and trying to manoeuvre through the vast sea of online noise. Some authors have been learning this over the past decade and have been quite successful. I suppose it is better late than never. The irony of being a writer is I find my voice does not come across well online. My personality and the emotion that I can express is lost digitally. Thankfully, I am not the only one.
Pushing the silly sorrow aside, I have read some interesting articles on Bookbub and booknetcanada.ca that both show a large group of people in the world are reading as of today. These readers are familiar with the e-book world and are hungry for content. Just like everyone else, readers have more time, and they choose their time reading.
Am I Lazy? Or no Time?
Between completing Fire, Pain, & Ruin, and Mortal: Part IV of Mental Damnation, I have not had a ton of time during the pandemic. Plus, the graphic design and web development work keeps me on ridged time to complete urgent projects. So, I have not had a lot of flex space to let me go digital.
Then in the back of my mind, I know I’m procrastinating, and the hard to swallow truth pill is I do not enjoy online marketing. I cannot say I know any authors who enjoy marketing. As a whole, we would much rather be working on the next book. It’s like having dessert before dinner. It’s way better. However, we authors have to promote ourselves, whether you’re traditional, indie or hybrid. Especially now more than ever since online marketing has become a key to make a book sale.
Live and Let Live
Now that the fourth and concluding novel of Mental Damnation is soon-to-be-released, it’s time to find a way to reach new audiences and share the books with people. I do have a couple of manuscripts on the go, and a plethora of half-baked ideas written down or floating in the vast chamber of my head, but I shouldn’t chase the next shiny thing. I should eat dinner first by going digital and surfing the web like a digital book signing.
I also have other interests like music. That sounds like more fun than marketing. There’s that procrastinating devil again. Marketing is work, and I have a lot of graphic design/web development work right now. So, I would prefer some fun. Plus, the good thing about books is they never lose their value. As writers, time away from the keyboard is just as crucial as the typing. Taking time off is a classic way to jolt new life into your creativity and even energize yourself to do the work you don’t like.
Beer Note: Beau’s Full Time I.P.A
For this month, I have tried several new beers. I picked this one because it was the most recent in my memory. The unfiltered organic beer comes in 4-pack 473ml cans and is truly unfiltered. It’s a strong taste with a tropical flavour. I can see how it won an award, but my tastes would prefer only one before switching to something more filtered.

About Konn Lavery
Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.