Unprocessed Thoughts

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World-building: A Superverse

World-building: A Superverse

World-building is something every author needs to do for their books. Whether it's a thriller, fantasy, sci-fi, horror or literature. All of them have some world that the characters fall into. You can also take this one step beyond world-building and turn it into a...

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Who Is the Captain Of The Ship?

Who Is the Captain Of The Ship?

At some point in everyone's life, we should ask ourselves what is important. Who is the captain of the ship? Is it you or the tides of life? I have just finished my two-week yearly time off from my graphic design and web development business. I always title it...

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2022 in Review

2022 in Review

We’re almost done with another trip around the sun! 2022 was a life-changing ride, and I’m glad to move on. For this Unprocessed Thoughts, we’ll give the year are good summary and look at what’s coming in 2023. This is . . . 2022 in Review. Welcome to Another Edition...

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Routines Keep You Grounded

Routines Keep You Grounded

It's official, I've now been in Vancouver for a month. I'm still trying to figure out where the time went because it only feels like a week. Perhaps that's why routines keep you grounded, considering 4 weeks were compressed into 1 week within my internal timeline....

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Orbiting Your Tasks

Orbiting Your Tasks

Disrupting your routine creates a chain reaction of events, dismantling everything you’ve built. If the inconsistencies last too long, you’ve created another routine born of an inconsistent nature. Then introducing your old habits becomes a grind for your body and...

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Late But Not Forgotten

Late But Not Forgotten

The blog launched in 2015 of September right at the same time as I attended the Edmonton Comic Expo showcasing the first editions of Mental Damnation Reality and Dream. Since then, I’ve consistently released Unprocessed Thoughts at the end of each month, trying a new...

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Back to Old

Back to Old

I thought June was the shortest month of the year. It turns out I'm wrong, and it's just like any other regular month, duh. Time distortion is real; despite February being the shortest, it feels a lot longer than June. Likely it's because more is going on in the...

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