Konn Lavery

Simon Rose releases his new novel Future Imperfect

Simon Rose releases his new novel Future Imperfect

I’d like to welcome back Simon Rose for another chat about his latest novel, Future Imperfect, that has recently been published. Back in March Simon Rose and I had discussed his writing background and his novel Flashback. We ran into each other at the Calgary Comic...

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Mental Damnation at Eek! Fest 2016

Mental Damnation at Eek! Fest 2016

The third year of Eek! Fest is here. I am excited to say that I will be a part of it. Each year St. Albert has their own Comic Con which offers a range of vendors, costume contests and extra events that you can interact with. They have partnered with Northern Bricks...

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Damnation at the Calgary Comic Expo

Damnation at the Calgary Comic Expo

This year I got to join in the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, the bigger brother of the Edmonton Expo, spanning for 4 days. The sheer size of the expo space and the amount of attendees is impressive and well worth seeing if you ever find yourself in Calgary....

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Joining SANE Clothing at Shredmonton

Joining SANE Clothing at Shredmonton

  From May 6th to May 8th I will be joining SANE Clothing at the first Shredmonton Metal Festival and Conference here in Edmonton. It will be an exciting weekend of everything metal with over 30 bands playing throughout the weekend and other exciting merchants...

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Ben Galley – A Self-Publishing Wizard

Ben Galley – A Self-Publishing Wizard

This blog post covers a unique opportunity I had to speak with fellow fantasy and indie author Ben Galley. I met Ben Galley through a random stumble on the web, finding his online self-publishing consulting services, Shelf Help. Ben provided one on one discussion...

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Unprocessed Thoughts – April

Here’s the news, this blog post is a special one. It marks the first of a series of inspiration and creative explorations. The whole blog was supposed to be oriented around what sparks me. It took a turn into being about writing tips and guest bloggers. That direction...

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Heading to the Calgary Comic Expo!

Next month is the Calgary Comic Expo which is an impressive sized con with four days of pop culture, cosplay and more. This year I am pleased to say I will be sharing a booth with Matthew Gillies of Flinch Publications. We will both be speaking at a panel about...

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Seed Me Horror Novel Plot and Cover Reveal

For the past couple of years, I have been hinting about a new book separate from Mental Damnation. This one has been in the works since 2014 NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month) where the first draft of the story was written. I will admit… it was terrible....

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Simon Rose and Konn Lavery's Mental Damnation

Simon Rose and Konn Lavery's Mental Damnation

Calgarian author Simon Rose offered to have me on his blog to chat about the Mental Damnation series and my upcoming works. Guest Author Konn Lavery We cover the topics of: Firstly, can you tell us a little about yourself and your writing? Have you always been...

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