Konn Lavery

Scrappers Part IV

Scrappers Part IV

The Harvesters are closing in. The beast is about to break free. Angie and Ruggie can’t outrun them. Their only hope is to venture into The Lost, the remains of civilization before the war, and before the collapse of the planet. Scrappers Part IV continues the sci-fi...

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Three Manuscripts, and Then Some

Three Manuscripts, and Then Some

Happy Halloween! A fitting season for the type of writing that I do. All the stories that I have created have some underlining dark foundation. Even in the three manuscripts I currently have on the go. It’s been a busy year, and that’s putting it lightly. Welcome to...

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Scrappers Part III

Scrappers Part III

After encountering a Harvester, Angie and Ruggy are wrapping up their scrapping mission. They question why the operator sent them here. Unfortunately, there’s no time to ponder. Harvesters aren’t far behind. Scrappers Part III continues of a sci-fi horror universe...

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Future Fables and Strange Stories with Author I.B.

Future Fables and Strange Stories with Author I.B.

For October’s guest we welcome author I.B. who currently resides in Calgary where he writes in a broad range of genres as seen in his short story work. Some of his writing has been published by Stray Books ZINES and an anthology novel titled Future Fables and Strange...

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Arts Talk Online – Edmonton Expo

Arts Talk Online – Edmonton Expo

Arts Talk dropped by the Edmonton Comic expo! Check out the interview he had at the 11:05 stamp. Check out the whole episode to learn more about Daniel Martin, Jamie Pruden, and Neil Chase. https://youtu.be/rmA8oy-iGoo

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Author Assist Radio Show Sept 13, 2019

Author Assist Radio Show Sept 13, 2019

Author Assist radio show is a fun comfortable chat with independent authors. They talk about their books, life and the industry. There’s a Q&A on marketing and promotion, and they feature an independent rock band in the break. I was part of the September 13, 2019...

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September is wrapped up! What a ride. The beginning of the fall is always a rollercoaster as everyone returns from holidays. This year, I was ambitious and decided to write a new first draft in September as well. That was smart. Now that the month is over, I got time...

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Go Indie Now Town Hall LIVE Graphic Designers

Go Indie Now Town Hall LIVE Graphic Designers

This is a question and answer format. So if you are watching this live please post your questions in the chat and we will ask them during the show. If you are watching this after the fact, please post your questions in the comment section and I will have our group...

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Scrappers Part II

Scrappers Part II

Scrappers Angie and Ruggy have been sent by their operator to a location deep within The Lost. This is no ordinary Scrapper mission. The two came across a crashed starship. Is it one of the deadly Harvesters or something else entirely? Scrappers Part II continues...

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