Konn Lavery

Natural Cosmos

Natural Cosmos

The audio log of a spaceship’s crew member is discovered, recording the last session that they had while floating through space, soaking in the aftermath of an attack from the gene-editing harvesters. Now, he can only hope his dying words will offer insight and serve...

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Ghost Stories and Virtual Campfire

Ghost Stories and Virtual Campfire

I am pleased to be joining the Ghost Stories and Virtual Campfire hosted by Prairie Soul Press in August. Myself and other authors will be sharing our ghost stories. ---- There's nothing like the shiver you get from a well-told ghost story. The talented authors of...

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Mortal on the Silver Dagger Book Tour

Mortal on the Silver Dagger Book Tour

In celebration of Mortal, the concluding novel to the Mental Damnation series release, the book is going on a blog tour hosted by the Silver Dagger Book Tour! This includes a giveaway sign up, interview questions, behind the scenes, excerpts from Mortal, and more!...

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Living With 14 Years of The Doubt Demon

Living With 14 Years of The Doubt Demon

A decade is a long time to be picking away at something. A decade and a half show serious commitment, or maybe it sprouts from something foul. Perhaps you’ve clung onto the years because of the dark whispers you hear in the back of your mind. I know I have. The Doubt...

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Going Digital

Going Digital

My marketing has primarily been in person through book signings, conventions, and public speaking events. Of course, in 2020, all that changed and going digital is key. Yes, I am a graphic designer and web developer by trade. People mistake me as either an I.T. guy or...

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#YYCTeachers Exclusives

#YYCTeachers Exclusives

In support of the Alberta province's, and the world's, current state, I'm pleased to participate in the We Are Calgary #YYCTeachers support program throughout the summer! If you are a teacher, or know of any teachers, you can contact We Are Calgary via email at:...

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The world has been streamlined. Scientific management has reached the peak of human ability. The machines will improve on our genetics. Taylorism is June’s short story that brings you into a scifi horror story of synthesized workflow, forever changing the human...

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