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5 Ways to Organize Your Novel

5 Ways to Organize Your Novel

Writing a book requires a lot of dedication and time. This is why it is important to organize your novel. Some authors do this by jotting down plot outlines, chapter outlines, timelines and keeping bulletin boards. There are also many other forms of tracking your...

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Welcome 2017

Welcome 2017

Another whole year has come and gone, wow. With the release of Seed Me and the score World Mother it has been quite busy with little downtime. First of all, a big shout out to everyone who supported me this year with the launch it has been humbling and motivating!...

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Horror: More than Frights and Gore

Horror: More than Frights and Gore

This month ScifiAndScary.com offered me the opportunity to be a guest blogger and discuss the horror genre. Fits with the theme of Halloween. With this article, I focused in on the genre itself and how it tends to be written off as just frights and gore. It's more got...

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The Name – Defining a Memorable Character Part 3

A name in a story is exceptionally important considering when writing, we are only working with words. Defining a name for you character is a critical step to making them memorable and should be distinctive to them. In the previous post we discussed coming up with...

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Why You Should Keep an Idea Book

Why You Should Keep an Idea Book

Being a writer, or anyone in a creative line of work, you probably find many ideas come to you all the time. Unfortunately ideas are dime a dozen and numerous concepts come to mind daily. Now, that doesn’t mean that they are all bad. There can be some real gems when...

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6 Guidelines to Self Editing Your Novel

So you have a full manuscript complete? You’ve written every word in each chapter from start to finish – congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done It is not easy to complete an entire book. The question is, are you actually done?...

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25,000 Words Reached!

NaNoWriMo is in the second week and I have hit the 25,000 word mark! That is half way to the 50,000 goal for the end of the month. It has kept me busy (among the graphic design and web work and trying to maintain something called a social life) meaning this blog post...

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