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Who Is the Captain Of The Ship?

Who Is the Captain Of The Ship?

At some point in everyone's life, we should ask ourselves what is important. Who is the captain of the ship? Is it you or the tides of life? I have just finished my two-week yearly time off from my graphic design and web development business. I always title it...

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2022 in Review

2022 in Review

We’re almost done with another trip around the sun! 2022 was a life-changing ride, and I’m glad to move on. For this Unprocessed Thoughts, we’ll give the year are good summary and look at what’s coming in 2023. This is . . . 2022 in Review. Welcome to Another Edition...

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Just Joshing Episode 843

Just Joshing Episode 843

I'm pleased to be back on Just Joshing and dive into the creative writing process, convention live, and where we both want to go next year. Listen to the episode below:

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Recording Your Own Audiobook: A One Year Journey

Recording Your Own Audiobook: A One Year Journey

Recording your own audiobook is filled with highs and lows - kind of like the writing process. This post we'll chat about the pos and cons of taking that journey. Audiobooks were gradually growing in popularity over the years, and then, the audience grew a lot. There...

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A New Fall

A New Fall

As with every year, the September version of Unprocessed Thoughts is themed around the end of summer, the coming of fall, and what a crazy busy year it is. This year is a new fall, which has been busy, but differently. There are no conventions this year. The Edmonton...

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Six Weeks into A New Routine

Six Weeks into A New Routine

In Alberta, we are six weeks into a new routine, thanks to the pandemic lockdown. For a lot of people, this has been a difficult adjustment period. On a personal level, the changes haven't been too out of the ordinary for me. I was homeschooled up to the end of junior...

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GoIndieNow Genres S1E6, Horror

GoIndieNow Genres S1E6, Horror

I was a part of the GoIndieNow's Genres series in Season 1 Episode 6 where we discuss Horror. This is Episode 6 in which we look at the great genre of Horror. We have a great mix of authors and filmmakers joining us. Please check out everything they are doing after...

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