Mental Damnation

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Mortal on the Silver Dagger Book Tour

Mortal on the Silver Dagger Book Tour

In celebration of Mortal, the concluding novel to the Mental Damnation series release, the book is going on a blog tour hosted by the Silver Dagger Book Tour! This includes a giveaway sign up, interview questions, behind the scenes, excerpts from Mortal, and more!...

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Living With 14 Years of The Doubt Demon

Living With 14 Years of The Doubt Demon

A decade is a long time to be picking away at something. A decade and a half show serious commitment, or maybe it sprouts from something foul. Perhaps you’ve clung onto the years because of the dark whispers you hear in the back of your mind. I know I have. The Doubt...

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Mental Damnation IV Title and Synopsis Reveal

Mental Damnation IV Title and Synopsis Reveal

Behind the curtains of consciousness...Reality is masked through a Dream.In a false sense of Purity. COVER AND SYNOPSIS REVEALMortal is the concluding novel of the Mental Damnation tetralogy. SYNOPSIS---Krista’s hope to escape Dreadweave Pass lessens after a fateful...

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Self-Isolation Adventures

Self-Isolation Adventures

Wow, the world sure has been thrown upside down. The whole COVID-19 has shaken up every country on the planet. Now we all are having our self-isolation adventures. Some places in the world have had it far worse than others, and the media is covering it all. News...

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Home Stretch

Home Stretch

Almost at the end of 2019, which means the end of a whole decade! We will officially be living in the 20s. That’s a fun concept to ponder over. As with every year, I get into the super-work-crunch-time-extravaganza. November gets ever closer to the home stretch. The...

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September is wrapped up! What a ride. The beginning of the fall is always a rollercoaster as everyone returns from holidays. This year, I was ambitious and decided to write a new first draft in September as well. That was smart. Now that the month is over, I got time...

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Game Time

Game Time

Another summer has come to an end, and we are close to the final convention of the year for my appearances. What a ride it has been. From the beginning of the year with DeadbyCon, to the launch of The White Hand, and to When Words Collide, it has been a hustle of a...

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Edmonton Comic Expo 2019

Edmonton Comic Expo 2019

Edmonton Comic Expo! Next, I’ll be at the Edmonton Comic Expo with The White Hand. Location within the expo TBA When and Where: 20 – 22 September 2019 Edmonton EXPO Centre Fri: 4:00PM – 9:00PM Sat: 10:00AM – 7:00PM Sun: 10:00AM – 5:00PM

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Working Smarter

Working Smarter

We’re into summer now. Unprocessed Thoughts was a little later than usual. Same old reasons –crunch time and juggling many projects. Working smarter has been a big of a learning curve. Still working lots. However, this month I was able to spend some time away from any...

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