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Arts Talk Online – Edmonton Expo

Arts Talk Online – Edmonton Expo

Arts Talk dropped by the Edmonton Comic expo! Check out the interview he had at the 11:05 stamp. Check out the whole episode to learn more about Daniel Martin, Jamie Pruden, and Neil Chase. https://youtu.be/rmA8oy-iGoo

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A Darker Side to Him

A Darker Side to Him

Literary Titan has welcomed me back to chat about The White Hand Novel. Read the interview on their website. We cover the following: The White Hand is a genre-crossing novel with elements of a macabre thriller and romance as well. Did you start writing with this in...

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Interview with DAZE Magazine

Interview with DAZE Magazine

DAZE Magazine had an interview with me regarding The White Hand, a Rutherford Manor, novel where we chatted about how the novel came into be, what is Rutherford Manor, and what readers can expect in The White Hand. Read the full interview on DAZE Magazine.

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Interview on NF Reads

Interview on NF Reads

I had the opportunity to have an interview with Tony from NFReads.com where I chat about how I handle the difficulties of writing, provide insight into the craft, and about my latest work. We cover the following questions: What is/are the story(ies) behind your...

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