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GeekNerdNet Interview

GeekNerdNet Interview

During Edmonton Comic Expo 2018 GeekNerdNet did an interview with me. The following interview was recorded and written by Chris Doucher, Managing Editor for GeekNerdNet. (Photo credits to Charles Cousins and Chris Doucher.) Give it a listen below:

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H.M. Gooden  – YA, Fantasy, and Paranormal Author

H.M. Gooden – YA, Fantasy, and Paranormal Author

This month’s guest author is H.M. Gooden who writes young adult, fantasy and paranormal novels. Her first release was Dream of Darkness. She is a full-time worker bee, mother and writer by the wee hours of the day. Even with her busy life, she still finds time to...

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Interview on the Just Joshing Podcast

Interview on the Just Joshing Podcast

During When Words Collide I was a guest on the Just Joshing podcast where we discuss my writing, YEGman and the meaning of life. We had a lot of fun while in the hotel pub. Give it a listen below! https://youtu.be/OFsI_EXH32E

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