Quiet, But Still Alive

Quiet, But Still Alive

I’m still alive. The past couple of months have been rather quiet with the exception of announcing the 2nd edition of Mental Damnation: Reality. This has been consuming a lot of my time since I want to get it to you, the reader, as soon as possible. The editor and I...

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Mental Damnation: Reality Design Direction

Mental Damnation: Reality Design Direction

In relation to the announcement of the second edition of Mental Damnation: Reality, the novel has a new visual direction as well. Initially the Mental Damnation series had a lot of design elements inspired from artwork seen in ancient Egypt and South America. It had a...

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Horror Author Konn Lavery at NSF Con

Horror Author Konn Lavery at NSF Con

Seed Me is at the first NSF Con (Not Safe For)! I am pleased to say that the first event of the year will be Calgary's NSF Con (Not Safe For). I'll be at booth 20A for the 1 day event on Saturday March 25th. This event has guests, exhibitors and a costume contest,...

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Suzy Vadori – Young Adult Author of The Fountain

Suzy Vadori – Young Adult Author of The Fountain

This month’s guest is Suzy Vadori, a YA author whose novel The Fountain was a 2016 Aurora Award Nominee for the Young Adult category. Residing in Calgary with her husband and three children, she is greatly involved with the literary community. Without further ado,...

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5 Ways to Organize Your Novel

5 Ways to Organize Your Novel

Writing a book requires a lot of dedication and time. This is why it is important to organize your novel. Some authors do this by jotting down plot outlines, chapter outlines, timelines and keeping bulletin boards. There are also many other forms of tracking your...

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A New Reality

A New Reality

Finally, the big announcement. If you’ve been following my social media, it has been a few months of me suggesting on what I have been working on. With the only hint being that it is related to the Mental Damnation series. After five months of working, it is finally...

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A New Kind of Monster

A New Kind of Monster

Check out the interview I had with The Hungry Monster review about Seed Me. A New Kind of Monster We cover the following questions: Seed Me follows Logan as he tries to navigate a murder, avoid a deadly cult and try to figure out who the girl was he made out with...

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Stop Working!

Stop Working!

Stop working. Read, meet up with some friends or go for a drink. In this day and age we are seeing some of the greatest technological advancements that are allowing us to communicate faster, produce quicker and more efficiently to save us more time – yet we seem to...

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