Konn Lavery



The Earth has been hit by a doomsday asteroid, carrying civilization to the brink of extinction. As far as the two survivors know, they are the last of humankind, locked in a bunker below the sizzling surface.Compatibility is September’s Flash Fiction that introduces...

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Interview on The Inkhorn Society Podcast

Interview on The Inkhorn Society Podcast

During 2018 PureSpec festival, I was interviewed by The Inkhorn Society Podcast. The Inkhorn Society is an Edmonton-based group of writers. We are all authors at various stages in our careers that come together to help each other produce our very best work. We now...

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Indie Insights with Marnie Cate Episode 12

Indie Insights with Marnie Cate Episode 12

GoIndieNow Presents the season finale, episode 12 of Indie Insights with Marnie. In this episode: (1:56) INTERVIEW WITH KONN LAVERY (22:03) INTERVIEW WITH SUZY VADORI (39:27) ROUNDTABLE WITH MARI COLLIER, CHRISTIE STRATOS, AND J. M. NORTHUP (1:07:23) MUST READ BOOKS

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What A Ride

What A Ride

Summer is over, what a ride! Many exciting things happened over the past two months. Lots of writing took place, met new colleagues and attended When Words Collide. This year was the first time that I participated in presenting and sitting on a panel. Some exciting...

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Purity Launch at Edmonton Comic Expo

Purity Launch at Edmonton Comic Expo

Edmonton Comic Expo! Next, I'll be at the Edmonton Comic Expo with Mental Damnation Vol III along with the other releases. More info to come. When and Where: 21 - 23 September 2018 Edmonton EXPO Centre Fri: 4:00PM - 9:00PM Sat: 10:00AM - 7:00PM Sun: 10:00AM - 5:00PM

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