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5 Tips to Build Writing Habits

At the start of each year people often set up New Year’s Resolutions/goals for themselves. Perhaps it is time to tackle that manuscript you have been wanting to work on. Maybe you want to continue a novel that you haven’t been able to set time to work on. Reasons...

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6 Guidelines to Self Editing Your Novel

So you have a full manuscript complete? You’ve written every word in each chapter from start to finish – congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done It is not easy to complete an entire book. The question is, are you actually done?...

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5 Inspirations for Your First Chapter

November is here, now it is time to write that story you have had in mind. Previously, I spoke about pre-planning your novel for NaNoWriMo. Now, no more planning, it is time to start typing. Facing the Blank Page You’re about to write out the first words in your new...

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Pre-Planning Your Novel for NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month is almost here. If you are unfamiliar with the event, it is a month-long participation of writers from around the world who write full manuscripts of at least 50,000 words. This can include fiction, non-fiction or short story compilations....

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