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Finished Your Manuscript, Now What?

NaNoWriMo is at the end of the third week, giving one final full week to reach the 50,000 word mark. As of today, you are now able to validate your word count to see if you if you have hit the goal. The exciting part about finishing NaNoWriMo is deciding what to do...

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25,000 Words Reached!

NaNoWriMo is in the second week and I have hit the 25,000 word mark! That is half way to the 50,000 goal for the end of the month. It has kept me busy (among the graphic design and web work and trying to maintain something called a social life) meaning this blog post...

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5 Inspirations for Your First Chapter

November is here, now it is time to write that story you have had in mind. Previously, I spoke about pre-planning your novel for NaNoWriMo. Now, no more planning, it is time to start typing. Facing the Blank Page You’re about to write out the first words in your new...

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Pre-Planning Your Novel for NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month is almost here. If you are unfamiliar with the event, it is a month-long participation of writers from around the world who write full manuscripts of at least 50,000 words. This can include fiction, non-fiction or short story compilations....

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