Mental Damnation

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Guest Author Konn Lavery

Guest Author Konn Lavery

Check out author Simon Rose's blog where he had me as a guest to chat about the second edition of Mental Damnation: Reality. Guest Author Konn Lavery We cover the following questions: Konn Lavery, can you introduce yourself to us and your writing? Thanks Konn, last...

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Author Interview on TooFullToWrite

Author Interview on TooFullToWrite

I am pleased to be a guest on David Ellis's blog, TooFullToWrite.com where we chat about why I chose to re-visit the Mental Damnation series and my joy of transmedia storytelling. Author Interview on TooFullToWrite.com Here's the questions we cover: Let's start with...

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Author spotlight on the Booknatics blog

Author spotlight on the Booknatics blog

I am pleased to have been a guest on the Booknatics blog discussing the release of Mental Damnation: Reality, second edition. Author Spotlight on the Booknatics Blog We cover the following topics: From our understanding, this book is a second edition of a retired...

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Joining SANE Clothing at the Northen Fancon

Joining SANE Clothing at the Northen Fancon

From May 5th to May 7th I will be joining SANE Clothing at the Northern Fancon in Prince George. It will be an exciting weekend of pop culture, comics and more. This event I will be bringing the novels: Seed Me and Mental Damnation along with the artwork which can be...

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