Mental Damnation

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Professional Juggler

Professional Juggler

Another late Unprocessed Thoughts! Shame... shame on missing the mark. This post is technically for July’s edition but it is being released in August. This is an improvement from last year, during the summer of 2017, the blog was a sitting duck. This year I am making...

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Gears Are Turning

Gears Are Turning

June is on its way out! Another month completed and truthfully not a lot of writing has been done in this month. Gears are turning though. The month has been spent working on networking, scoping out the next year and researching. If you are itching for something to...

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Try New Things

Try New Things

May, almost over and it has not been nearly as crazy as April. The previous month was loaded with trade show work for clients, tax season and the launch of YEGman, wow. Not really sure how I managed to get it all completed. I suppose sleep was sacrificed to the gods....

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Arm Cast Podcast: Episode 184 – Lavery And Generous

Arm Cast Podcast: Episode 184 – Lavery And Generous

Listen to the Arm Cast Podcast where I share some tips and insight into the production and business choices I've made with my writing. Specifically with my dark fantasy series: Two Canadians this week on Arm Cast: Dead Sexy Podcast. Host Armand Rosamilia tries not to...

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Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews

Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews

Interview with dark fantasy author Konn Lavery Check out the interview I had about Dream with author Lisa Haselton. We cover the following topics: Introduction What inspired you to write this book? What exciting story are you working on next? When did you first...

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