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Keeping Momentum While Writing

Keeping Momentum While Writing

Keeping momentum while writing is key to writing. It’s basically the “running a marathon” concept that we are familiar with as writers. It’s easier said than done, like most things when talked about. Little bits of consistency goes a long way, and before you know it,...

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What Do You Want from Writing?

What Do You Want from Writing?

As it is tradition, I take two weeks off at the end of the year to completely detach from the regular routine throughout the year. This time is intended to let the mind wander. In fact, the event is always called “wandering mind” for the two weeks in the calendar....

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This November, I did not partake in NaNoWriMo. Last year I started working on a new series with the working title of Ash. Instead of starting a brand-new book, I decided to continue where I left off with this manuscript. Of course, from 2020 November to 2021 November,...

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Observe Through New Lenses.

Observe Through New Lenses.

We are two months away from 2021 being over! I am ready to observe through new lenses. For the past year, the view has been through cracked glasses. This is metaphorically speaking, of course, because I had laser eye surgery and no longer need glasses. It’s not all...

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Breaks Are Healthy

Breaks Are Healthy

I'm alive! As you may have noticed, there were no Unprocessed Thoughts during August, and September's is a little late. This is because breaks are healthy. Of course, if you don't manage the time away correctly, it'll get sucked up by other activities that may cause...

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Life Goes On

Life Goes On

Writing is best treated as a lifelong commitment if you are serious about it. Life goes on whether you like it or not, constantly moving into the future. So, you might as well do something that fuels your soul, and a lifelong commitment can’t be measured by single...

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Pump the Brakes!

Pump the Brakes!

My horror novel, Rave, is officially released! We had a killer digital launch with a virtual gallery, reading, and music from the novel’s score. I’m incredibly excited to have shared the event with everyone who was able to show up. Rave has been in the works for three...

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