Observe Through New Lenses.

Observe Through New Lenses.

We are two months away from 2021 being over! I am ready to observe through new lenses. For the past year, the view has been through cracked glasses. This is metaphorically speaking, of course, because I had laser eye surgery and no longer need glasses. It’s not all...

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Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 10

Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 10

The Nameless One observes an unsettling apocalyptic future for humanity. This world is seen through the eyes of Angie after Humanity experienced a life-altering split. Now, the survivors are hoping they don't get caught by the Harvesters for organ extraction.

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Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 09

Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 09

Another observation occurs for the Nameless One. They are unable to find any concrete clues as to who they are. Malpherities takes them to a land he held dear - Zingalg. The same world where the Mental Damnation storyline takes place, letting us see another region of...

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Cybergast: Bioringer III

Cybergast: Bioringer III

Bioringer Ether Chain's story continues with part III, Cybergast. She must infiltrate a government transport to earn the remaining SCs she rightfully deserves from the previous gig. This is her first time attempting to make DNA Shifts, which can cause permanent damage...

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Breaks Are Healthy

Breaks Are Healthy

I'm alive! As you may have noticed, there were no Unprocessed Thoughts during August, and September's is a little late. This is because breaks are healthy. Of course, if you don't manage the time away correctly, it'll get sucked up by other activities that may cause...

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