The Shield captain, Evelune, shares a reinforcing truth to seminarian Valeryctus, encouraging her to embrace the whisper. The entity shares truth, unravelling the curtains of…
Committing to learning is a lifelong dedication that shifts your mind and outlook on life. I read a quote online that I can’t recall where…
After the supernatural burning circle’s arrival, the members of the church attempt to bury it with earth. Seminarian Valeryctus is haunted by a persistent whisper…
In the latest edition of Monday’s Tartar Sauce, bestselling author and comic creator Josh Grant interviews authors Jamey Boelhower, and Konn Lavery. They discuss creating…
Being independently employed has many benefits. For one, you get to set your own hours, which is incredibly handy if you are passionate about writing…
I’m pleased to have been on Let’s Talk with She Blurbs podcast where I share details on all my writing, books, and various genres I’ve…
Check out the interview and discussion I had on author/actor Neil Chase’s radio show All Outta Bubblegum on Sound Sugar Radio. We chat about writing…
Seminarian Valeryctus and her fellow students are eager to learn the ways of God under High Priest Jochen’s teachings. The tension within the church is…
Keeping momentum while writing is key to writing. It’s basically the “running a marathon” concept that we are familiar with as writers. It’s easier said…