Fire, Pain, & Ruin Pre-order Special Offer

Fire, Pain, & Ruin Pre-order Special Offer

The second installment of the Rutherford Manor series is now available for preorder! Visit www.rutherford-manor.com/book-preorder to learn more. Join the Savidges and Fleshers as their bloodlines further intertwine with violence, black magic, lust, and the...

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Mental Damnation IV Title and Synopsis Reveal

Mental Damnation IV Title and Synopsis Reveal

Behind the curtains of consciousness...Reality is masked through a Dream.In a false sense of Purity. COVER AND SYNOPSIS REVEALMortal is the concluding novel of the Mental Damnation tetralogy. SYNOPSIS---Krista’s hope to escape Dreadweave Pass lessens after a fateful...

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Formatting a Novel for Print

Formatting a Novel for Print

As an indie author, or as a small press, you may find yourself needing to learn about formatting a novel for print. There are lots of applications out there, and detailed tutorials that can show you how. In the end, layout and formatting is a skill that a graphic...

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Self-Isolation Adventures

Self-Isolation Adventures

Wow, the world sure has been thrown upside down. The whole COVID-19 has shaken up every country on the planet. Now we all are having our self-isolation adventures. Some places in the world have had it far worse than others, and the media is covering it all. News...

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The White Hand novel for Free

The White Hand novel for Free

In these uncertain times caused by the outbreak of COVID-19, Myself and the Rutherford Manor team felt a need to help people pass the time. We decided that we would offer the award winning novel, THE WHITE HAND, for a limited time to the world for FREE. All we ask is...

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Secrets of the Universe

Secrets of the Universe

Are we living in a narrow viewpoint of reality, or is this all there is? One can go mad, trying to dig too deep into the big questions. You can be labelled a conspiracy nut for thinking outside of the box. Understandably so as we cannot comprehend what we do not...

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Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim’s New Scifi Comic Series

Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim’s New Scifi Comic Series

For March we welcome back Bruce Olav Solheim who has previously been on the blog discussing his latest work – a comic series. He has a PhD in history and has served six years in the US Army as a jail guard and a helicopter pilot. He has published nine books and...

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5 Methods of Self-Editing Your Novel

5 Methods of Self-Editing Your Novel

Talk to any author and they will each have different advice on self-editing your novel self-editing your novel. The reason for this is there is no right way to edit. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing. Because of this, every first...

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