Three pioneers of the EX-7006 remain from their catastrophic travel through space. The crew landed on a new planet that they now call home. Alain McLeod's hand-written letter serves as a historical document of their settlement, letting future generations learn where...
New Year
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New Website
I am pleased to announce that the website has gotten a massive overhaul! The blog is still here, same with all of the previous content. The layout, design, and user experience has been revamped and new sections to the site have been added. The primary reason that the...
New Decade
We’ve made it, it is the end of 2019, and we’ll be into a new decade next month. It is exciting because it is the end of the 2010s. Technically we will be in the 20s. As with every decade, you see social, cultural, fashion, and musical trends change decade to decade....
Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018
The last day of 2017 is finally here – woohoo! It has been a drastic twelve months of change both locally and globally. Discussing globally would be a much larger topic, so we will keep this last blog post of the year related to what I have to share with you. First...