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Hire an Editor

Hire an Editor

As the title says – hire an editor. No ands, ifs, or buts. There, blog post done. You can stop reading now. This is a question that comes up often from aspiring writers, new authors, or in interviews. Perhaps I just hear it more since I’ve gone the self-publishing...

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Are Holidays For Writing?

Are Holidays For Writing?

The end of the year is here. The Christmas spirit is in and everyone is rushing to get everything ready for the 25th. Some companies will shut down for the week of Christmas and many people take vacation time to visit family. These are the holidays. In a way we become...

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Creating your Author Year Plan

Creating your Author Year Plan

Something that every author should do is plan in advanced when it comes to submitting, publishing and marketing your novels. Creating an author year plan will allow you to take advantage of major events and book flights, or time off work to prepare for them. Often it...

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The Author Mindset

The Author Mindset

Everyone has a story to tell, whether it is about a faraway land with monsters and elves or exploring their past. The point is, there is a story waiting to be told through each and every one of us. There are many different types of mediums that a story can be...

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Balancing Stubbornness and Humility

Balancing Stubbornness and Humility

In any creative field, there are going to be people in life that tell you not to pursue your dreams and there will be those that encourage you. It ultimately becomes a fine line of balancing stubbornness and humility in our minds. Sometimes we do steer too far one way...

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Distractions and Time Management for Writing

Distractions and Time Management for Writing

Everyone is busy, let’s face it. We all have things to do, places to go and people to see. We have difficulties dealing with distractions and time management for writing. Especially in the western civilization, we are overstimulated with tasks on a day to day basis at...

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Top 7 Tips for Series Writers

Top 7 Tips for Series Writers

Check out the Top 7 Tips for Series Writers on Scribbles, Quibbles, & Scrawlings website. There are 7 authors including my contribution. The authors are: Rob Boffard Jenna Greene Konn Lavery Rebekah Raymond Kelly Charron Tyner Gillies Pat Flewwelling Top 7 Tips...

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Keeping Organized when Writing

Keeping Organized when Writing

Let’s face it, when writing there is a lot of stuff to keep track of. You have to fact-check, keep consistency with places, times, descriptions and events. This becomes even more complex when you are working on genre fiction like fantasy or science fiction because you...

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When is your book series done?

When is your book series done?

As a follow up from the “When is your book done?” blog post, I wanted to expand on writing series. When you are writing a single novel it is can be a bit easier to define a beginning, middle and ending. Knowing the answers to these questions is more challenging when...

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