Committing to Learning

Committing to Learning

Committing to learning is a lifelong dedication that shifts your mind and outlook on life. I read a quote online that I can't recall where from. Unlucky for me, it was from one of those doom-scrolling, ludic loop moments where you get trapped after squeezing your...

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Blood Will: Part II

Blood Will: Part II

After the supernatural burning circle's arrival, the members of the church attempt to bury it with earth. Seminarian Valeryctus is haunted by a persistent whisper that High Priest Jochen warns is a demon that tempts her to stray from God. Its words are enticing,...

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Blood Will: Part I

Blood Will: Part I

Seminarian Valeryctus and her fellow students are eager to learn the ways of God under High Priest Jochen’s teachings. The tension within the church is minuscule compared to whispering words of evil and one unholy event, causing Valeryctus to question everything about...

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Keeping Momentum While Writing

Keeping Momentum While Writing

Keeping momentum while writing is key to writing. It’s basically the “running a marathon” concept that we are familiar with as writers. It’s easier said than done, like most things when talked about. Little bits of consistency goes a long way, and before you know it,...

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