Konn Lavery

Working Smarter

Working Smarter

We’re into summer now. Unprocessed Thoughts was a little later than usual. Same old reasons –crunch time and juggling many projects. Working smarter has been a big of a learning curve. Still working lots. However, this month I was able to spend some time away from any...

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Technological advancements has allowed humanity to join the stars under a single civilization known as The Society. We left out violent nature behind, continuing to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe. The Society’s bold progression fails to...

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Time to Go Indie Now Episode 40

Time to Go Indie Now Episode 40

Welcome to Time to Go Indie Now, Episode 40. We have some great reviews, new releases, a great marketing tip, a flashback interview to celebrate a new release, and an incredible featured filmmaker segment. So we hope you enjoy. My reading shows up at about 11:40 mark....

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A Darker Side to Him

A Darker Side to Him

Literary Titan has welcomed me back to chat about The White Hand Novel. Read the interview on their website. We cover the following: The White Hand is a genre-crossing novel with elements of a macabre thriller and romance as well. Did you start writing with this in...

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Behind You

Behind You

Do you ever get the sense that someone is watching you? It is a pretty common feeling, and most people experience it at some point in their life. Chances are it is just a minor form of paranoia. Sometimes it is not. Sometimes... someone is watching. Or 'they' might be...

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Book Launched!

Book Launched!

Unlike last month, which was about leisurely time, June’s unprocessed thoughts is the aftermath of having the book launched! The White Hand, a Rutherford Manor novel, is now available. The past couple weeks have been a real whirlwind hence the blog falling on the back...

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Book Signing at Strathcona Chapters

Book Signing at Strathcona Chapters

Head over to Strathcona Chapters for the last signing of the summer! I’ll be heading over to Chapters Strathcona (Whyte Ave) for a signing of my novels. Drop in for a meet & greet the author, artwork, and of course, the books themselves. When and Where: Saturday,...

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