Konn Lavery

Short Stories and Transmedia

Short Stories and Transmedia

We are over two months into the pandemic self-isolation. Here in Edmonton, the government has initiated phase one of reopening the economy. Personally, I will continue to wait and stay indoors. Life isn't too different from my regular work schedule. I have a home...

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The Smell

The Smell

Being locked in a bunker as the last survivor isn’t easy to cope with, especially if there’s a otherworldly cleaver-armed monstrosity on the other side of the door. How long can one last in a room of rotting flesh? The Smell is May’s short story that brings you into a...

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Fire, Pain, & Ruin Launches

Fire, Pain, & Ruin Launches

I am pleased to announce that Fire, Pain, & Ruin: A Rutherford Manor Novel has launched in ebook! Currently it is available on Amazon Kindle. The preorders taken through the Rutherford Manor website will be processed once printing shipments can be made through the...

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Six Weeks into A New Routine

Six Weeks into A New Routine

In Alberta, we are six weeks into a new routine, thanks to the pandemic lockdown. For a lot of people, this has been a difficult adjustment period. On a personal level, the changes haven't been too out of the ordinary for me. I was homeschooled up to the end of junior...

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Option Three

Option Three

Questioning mortality can be a slippery slope. Thoughts can betray you. Your mind can become quicksand, pulling you into dark depths of the consciousness that you cannot escape from. How far into the self is one willing to satisfy curiosity? Option Three is April’s...

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