Into the Macrocosm

Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 04

Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 04

Another witnessing state. Another observation for the Nameless One who tries to jolt their memory to know who they are. The observation takes the Nameless one into the mind of a former employee of Allen Oil Site Solutions who is cleaning out their office. The man is...

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Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 03

Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 03

The Nameless One returns from the first witnessing with Malpherities waiting at the Midway. They decide to have another observation, hoping to jolt the Nameless One’s memory. Technological advancements has allowed humanity to join the stars under a single civilization...

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Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 02

Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 02

The first witnessing for the Nameless One takes them into the eyes of a teenager. The first period of the day is coming to an end. Three friends are exhausted from hearing their teachers talk all day about nonsense – time to skip class, smoke up, and relax. During the...

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Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 01

Audiobook: Into the Macrocosm Episode 01

The Nameless One experiences a post-death anomaly, throwing them right into the Midway. Their memory is gone, leaving them confused and lost. A ghoul by the name of Malpherities meets them, and is oddly eager to help them understand who the Nameless One is and how...

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Lurking For Legends 021

Lurking For Legends 021

Watch the full episode of Lurking for Legends below where I get to talk about my writing, The Macrocosm, and my design work. Hosts Christie Stratos and Richard H. Stephens ask a range of wonderful questions. Watch on Facebook

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