Draconem Revival

Mar 16, 2021 | Podcast, Short Stories

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The Drac Age has come to an end, and humanity strives to hunt down and eradicate the remaining threats. Kassandra, a Drac Hunter, and her tamed draconem are responding to sightings of a rogue beast. Allied with a Paladin of Zeal, they head for the icy peaks of Mount Kuzuchi. What they discover is far more sinister than anyone could have ever deemed possible.

Draconem Revival is March’s short story, bringing you into the world of Mental Damnation, where paladins, draconem, heroes, and villains reside in a dark fantasy realm. Enjoy the story in written form, the artwork, and audio through the podcast with improv music.

Draconem Revival

Training a draconem isn’t easy, and most humans are incapable of such a daunting task. It requires discipline, courage, and compassion. The draconem themselves are daunting large, flying, monstrous reptilians that hold a high intelligence level beyond humans. Which makes one wonder, how can you tame something more intelligent than yourself? Luckily, humanity has an advantageous method that saved the known world.

Large hazelnut reptilian eyes stare into the face of the hunter standing before it. This human, much like the draconem, is of a dying breed – the Drac Hunters.

The hunter pets the massive reptilian’s head, gently running her steel gauntlet along the metallic-like scales. From afar, they simply look gold and brown, but upon closer inspection, you can see an array of colours on each scale that reflects against the setting sun on the icy landscape.

The draconem snorts, exhaling a gush of hot air into the hunter’s face, blowing her short brunette hair. She laughs. “Oh, Sam.” Technically the draconem’s name is Samantherius, which was the name before she was tamed. But Sam works for the hunter.

She’s developed a special bond with this creature, for most draconem lack their former intelligence. The hunter is all too familiar with the infamous Drac Age, a time when the draconem ruled over the known world, enslaving others who dared challenge them. Times have changed for the better. The old world heroes that have brought humanity out of the Drac Age are dwindling, like the Drac Hunters and their draconem.

Kassandra, the hunter, and her loyal draconem are relics of the past. No different than the famous Paladins of Zeal or the Knight’s Union. She could spend forever reflecting on the past, remembering the former days of glory, saving her people from enslavement. After all, she is a warrior, and in times of peace, is there a home for one?

She does not know. However, she is still cleaning up the remaining rebellious draconem that challenge the new authority of mankind. She wrangles them, as the other few Drac Hunters do. She figures there might be a dozen of them left, making sure that another Drac Lord does not rise again. They are still out there . . . one, in particular, is the infamous Karazickle, Drac Lord of the night.

This is why Kassandra and Sam overlook the icy mountaintops of Mount Kuzuchi, far above the forestry of Zingalg below. Reports of a draconem within this rocky landscape have risen numerous times. People claim to have seen a massive draconem that soars over the night sky. Some claim it is white; others say it is black. Each sighting has different descriptions of their size, making it impossible to know what is true.

Down at the base of Mount Kuzuchi is the vast forest of Zingalg; further down are the grassy hills with a river where a village is visible. Huts, smoke, and bridges are tiny dots from this distance. The hunter would usually ask these villagers about the draconem sightings, but this is no ordinary village. It’s a village of vazeleads – reptilian men. They’re harmless, just not too intelligent, and she can’t waste her time with them.

“Does that thing always give you attitude?” Comes a grizzly voice. There’s the subtle sound of distaste in the man’s tone. Against Kassandra’s will, she had to bring a Paladin of Zeal to investigate the sighting. The Council of Just willed it so.

“Sam has a mind of her own,” Kassandra says, facing the paladin. The man is covered head to toe in golden armour that radiates an unnatural yellow-and-white glow. This demonstration is only a fraction of the holy power given to them from the Heavenly Kingdoms, giving humanity an advantage over the draconem in the Drac age. The glow is most likely some protection prayer. Kassandra doesn’t know nor care, for she didn’t want to bring the man because paladins are stubborn and aren’t fond of draconem.

The man says, “They have no minds of their own once they been enslaved, you know that, right? That’s the whole point of the nymphs’ words of power.”

“Llath, if only you were able to know one close hand,” Kassandra says.

The man, Llath, walks ahead on the icy snow, each step crunching. “I’d rather not. Their kind is responsible for everything.”

Kassandra knows there’s no point in arguing with the Paladin of Zeal. They are probably the most arrogant people in the known world – even more so than the nymphs who are stuck in their ancient ways of nature, denying the changing world. Perhaps that is why the Paladins of Zeal and the nymphs agreed over those powerful words to enslave draconem. These words, when whispered into a draconem’s ear, shatter their intelligence. It reduces them to a beast, making them no different than a dog – easily tameable.

Apparently, that is what the nymphs’ supernatural words are supposed to do to a draconem. However, Sam is different. Sam seems to be fully aware; Kassandra has witnessed it herself. The draconem responds to words and conversations. The reptilian doesn’t speak, but her snorts and huffs say enough. Yet, there’s no convincing a Paladin of Zeal – or anyone for that matter. It is probably for the better. If anyone were to find out, they’d either execute Sam or reapply the words of power to enslave Sam for good. Too many words of power can crush a mind entirely. Sam’s intelligence is Kassandra’s secret.

Kassandra snags onto the leather rope that dangles from the saddle atop Sam. She climbs up to the draconem’s spiky back and engages her to walk alongside Llath. The Paladin of Zeal refuses to ride the draconem, even though he rode on her earlier as they flew to Mount Kuzuchi to get here. Paladins . . . merely loyal followers of their higher-ups. They’ll obey commands from their captains, following the chain of command that eventually brings them into the Heavenly Kingdoms rules. Not like Kassandra, she is a free agent.

“It shouldn’t be that much further,” Llath says. His reference is to the cave he spotted while they were travelling towards Mount Kuzuchi.

“What do you suppose we will find?” Kassandra says.

“If the rumours are true, a draconem,” Llath says.

“The sightings have been mixed. Some say it’s large, others small. Black . . . or white.”

“There’s only one white dragon left.”


“Aye. Wouldn’t Lord Saule be proud of us?”

Sam snorts again, and a shiver runs down Kassandra’s spine. It isn’t due to the cold winds and the setting sun. No. She fears that they may find Karazickle, Drac Lord of the night. There would be no chance in hell the three of them could take on Karazickle. Only fools would try in such small numbers. With any luck, the sighting is just a regular draconem, something Kassandra is trained to handle.

“Lord Saule would give you a fair promotion, wouldn’t he?” Kassandra says.

“Indeed. Yet, I doubt we will find Karazickle. The Drac Lord has not been spotted in over a decade. You know how these report sightings go. People over exaggerate what they see in the sky.”

“I suppose so,” Kassandra says. “No one really gets a good look at the draconem anymore. They’re rare.”

“Yes, as you and I are. The Drac Age was so long ago. Amazingly, people like you get into this profession.”

“Well, my father was a Drac Hunter, and so I follow my family.”

“It’s a dead end,” Llath says.

Kassandra doesn’t reply to the remark, knowing it is true. There aren’t too many draconem around. Once all the draconem are gone, she has no idea how she will maintain a living. Perhaps she will become a mercenary for hire, taking on odd jobs just to stay alive. It certainly wasn’t what she had hoped for with her life. Owning a draconem is not cheap neither. They need to eat an astronomical amount of food. Then there’s also housing one. No ordinary stable can hold such a beautiful creature. Still, there would be no way she would abandon Sam. They’re two rare birds that stay together.

“There,” Llath says, pointing to a cave in the near distance. The wind is beginning to pick up, blowing snow in every direction. “That must be it.”

Sam huffs, pointing at the ground. Kassandra spots what the draconem is referencing – large pawprints in the snow. Another draconem is nearby. They are on the right track. Llath doesn’t comment on Sam’s observation, which is a clear sign of the draconem’s intelligence, and the three venture over the rocky, snowy, landscape towards the cavern. The closer they get, the larger the cavern becomes. The entrance is over double the size of Sam, who was already three times as tall as any human.

Giant stalactites run along with the ceiling of the cavern. Some of them are made of rock, others made of ice. The pawprints in the snow lead directly into the entrance, disappearing into the dark charcoal interior. The prints are twice the size of Sam’s. It appears they’ll be wrangling a monstrous draconem today.

The three continue into the cavern, leaving the windy mountaintops behind. They adjust to the darkness with the only light radiating from Llath’s armour. All outside sounds muffle the further they go, seeing the snow tracks of whom they stalk dissipate as the cave descends deeper . . . and deeper.

The group slows their pace to a crawl, making sure not to make any noise. Unfortunately, due to Sam’s size, she cannot help the sounds of her giant paws pressing into the rocky ground. Kassandra dismounts and pats Sam on the head. “I need you to stay guard here.”

Sam snorts, the eyes going back-and-forth as if she is reading Kassandra’s posture. Yes, Kassandra is slightly slouching, eyebrows slanted, indicating she is worried about Sam’s safety. Unfortunately, they need stealth, and Sam is just too large to go any further. Then there’s the fact that draconem can sniff each other out – partly what makes draconem effective at hunting others like them.

“Let’s go,” Llath whispers. “We don’t want to stay around too long. We aren’t aware if those tracks are fresh or not.”

“Stay guard Sam,” Kassandra orders, standing upright.

Sam flairs her nostrils and sits, watching as Kassandra and Llath venture further down the cavern. Kassandra didn’t want to leave her, but there is no choice. She now grips the handle of her sword strapped to her belt, ready for action. Llath has already pulled out his spiked mace and a previously strapped shield from his back.

The cave slope comes to an end, and they make a right turn to see a warm glowing light coming further inside. Someone is home. No words are exchanged between Kassandra and Llath, as they are both fully aware of the dangers that await them.

The light comes from another right turn, and the two carefully creep up to it, keeping their backs close to the rocky walls. But not too close, as there are jagged, razor-sharp edges all along the wall.

They make the turn and enter a massive underground dome, large enough to house an entire village. The path spirals downward, leading to the dome’s base, where about a dozen cages are visible under numerous torch lights. The cages contain humanoids. They have tails . . . extended muzzles, brown scales, feathers on their scalps . . . These are vazeleads. There are a couple of wooden tables with shackles and chains draped over them. Trays with various operating tools are prepped for surgery.

A human-sized glass tank filled with a light-grey mist rests beside one operating table. On the wooden surface of the table, a vazelead is cuffed with rusty metal chains. The reptilian does not look like the other vazeleads . . . most of the scales are gone. Those that are left are dark charcoal running along the neck down to the whip-like tail. What remains of the naked body is smooth leathery skin. The vazelead is far taller, muscular, and the muzzle has been crushed inward. The eyes are closed, and the gut has been sliced open, exposing the organs inside. Jars of their black blood rest on a tray.

“What is this?” Llath says.

“Some sort of experiment,” Kassandra says. “No draconem is capable of such delicacy.”

“No,” Llath says. “Could this be a rogue Drac Hunter?”

It’s a possibility. Draconem are too large to perform intricate surgeries – or experiments – on small creatures like vazeleads or humans. Yet, a Drac Hunter has no need for vazeleads. They’re harmless villagers. Whatever this is, it is meant to be a secret and not discovered.

“Should we go?” Llath asks.

Kassandra says, “Let’s investigate further. We need some answers on whatever horror this is. So far, there doesn’t appear to be any draconem, and we can handle some fool and their mad experiments.”

“Aye,” Llath says, taking the lead. The two carefully go down the spiralling slope and into the dome. Kassandra doesn’t like this but needs to scope it out – that’s their mission. Who has a laboratory deep within a mountain? What is that mist? Perhaps they’ll find out. Plus, Sam has their guard back at the entrance. Right now, they can figure out who is behind the strange experiment. She wonders if this cavern is even related to the draconem spotting. Either way, this experimentation is inhumane.

They reach the bottom of the slope and are ground-level with the laboratory. The dome seems to go on further, disappearing into the dark. Most of the vazeleads in the cages are sleeping, shivering. One of them starts to sniff. The black feathers along its scalp puff upwards. It looks at them as its yellow eyes widen. A toothy smile spreads across its face.

“Humans!” It says standing upright. “A paladin, yes!”

Kassandra takes the lead.

Llath’s says, “Don’t waist your time with it.”

She doesn’t listen, tired of Llath’s superiority complex. She creeps up to the cage, resting against a rock to avoid being left exposed in the open. Up close, she can see that the vazelead is bony and probably hasn’t eaten in days. Its claws grip the bars of the metal cage as its tail sways side to side in excitement.

“We don’t have long,” the vazelead says.

“What is this?” Kassandra says.

“My people are in trouble, please. Warn everyone. The banishment!”

“From what?”

“The metamorphosis fumes! He’s discovered the potency of the underworld . . . what it does to us – turning us into monsters.”

“Fumes? What?”

A deep thundering roar bellows from the darkness, silencing the vazelead and Kassandra. Llath hurries over to her side as giant black reptilian wings flap, blowing gusts of wind into the dome. Four paws appear from the darkness, landing on the ground and causing the cave to shake slightly. Pebbles fall from the ceiling as a monstrous draconem comes into the light. The black scales glimmer from the torch flame while the neck extends forward. It sniffs aggressively, eyeing the laboratory. This draconem is about a head taller than Sam, not capable of those paw prints seen earlier in the snow. Strange . . .

“Escape,” the vazelead says. “Warn everyone.”

“What are they doing?” Kassandra asks.

Llath raises his mace. “Let me stun this draconem. You can tame it, Kassandra.”

“Don’t do that,” the vazelead says.

The draconem lets out a bellowing growl, loud enough to silence the three’s conversation and make them cover their ears. It stomps towards them, sniffing aggressively. It knows they are here. They have to act; the scent of humans is strong on the reptilian’s nose.

Llath dashes from the rock and raises his mace. “God, our Saviour, help us to follow the light and live the truth. Grant me flame so I may reveal what lurks in the shadows. Amen!” He shouts the Prayer of Power as a bright light beams from his spiked mace, projecting right at the draconem and temporarily blinding it.

Kassandra charges to the draconem, knowing the standard procedure to tame a beast. The paladin disorients it. She gets to the creature’s ear and whispers the words of power to shatter its mind. Yet, something isn’t right about this draconem, for it does not speak. Nor does it seem to observe. It is merely angry, hunting, like an animal . . . it’s as if it has been tamed already by the nymphs’ words of power. Her guts tell her that they need to re-evaluate, but there is no time as Llath continues to shine the light into the beast’s face, causing it to roar with frustration.

The draconem’s tail swings violently, barely missing Kassandra and knocking some laboratory equipment to the ground. She dodges the attack, rolling out of the way and leaps towards the tail as it recovers. The hunter clings onto one of the large spikes that run along the creature’s spine and tail.

Their opponent stands on its hind legs momentarily, then soars downwards. Llath jumps out of the way to avoid being stomped. The light diminishes from the mace, and the draconem can see once more.

Kassandra is halfway up the creature’s back as it continues to shake violently, stomping into some of the cages. The massive paws crush the metal, including the vazeleads inside. The draconem continues to move viciously, attempting to shrug Kassandra off.

Llath gets up and engages with the draconem. He swings his spiked mace at the ankles, piercing into the scales. It yelps, allowing Kassandra to bolt. She runs up the creature’s back and leaps up the neck, climbing up to the back of the skull. The ear hole is beside her, and she starts to whisper the words of power.

The animal groans as it sways side to side, the eyes are rolling back. Yes, the words of power are working!

“Enough!” Comes a thundering strident voice from deeper within the cavern.

The command stops Kassandra from speaking. The draconem freezes, and Llath pants, freeing his mace from the creature’s ankle.

From the darkness comes a man. He, too, is in golden armour with long black hair. His hands rest behind his back, just above the deep red kilt. The calmness of his stride is odd, yet they need to be on their guard.

“Lord Saule,” Llath says as he lowers his mace, kneeling.

How? Kassandra thinks. Nothing here is adding up. She’s never seen Lord Saule in person and could have never identified him.

“Stand, loyal paladin,” Lord Saule says, coming to a stop. “You and this Drac Hunter are simply obeying orders. You know not what is going on here.”

“And what is that, Lord Saule?” Kassandra asks. “This draconem appears tamed already.”

“That it is,” Lord Saule says. “This is the business of the Council of Just. Not of your concern, and you should leave.”

Kassandra says, “But the Council of Just sent us here . . . the draconem sightings on Mount Kuzuchi.”

“It is simply my loyal draconem here. Thankfully, I stopped you before reapplying those words of power. You could have crushed whatever is left of his mind.”

The vazelead whom they talk to earlier hisses. “Lies!”

Lord Saule scowls.

“What of these vazeleads?” Llath asks.

The vazelead shouts, “Karazickle!”

Another draconem roar erupts from the dome entrance. It’s familiar. Sam. The gold dragon leaps from the upper tunnel and source towards Lord Saule. Her teeth are fully exposed as she snarls at her opponent.

“Sam! Down.” Kassandra orders. This is a perfect example of why Sam has her own mind, for draconem are supposed to obey their Drac Hunters on command. Sam never acts out of order though, the girl knows something Kassandra doesn’t.

The black draconem dashes for Sam in a violent burst. Kassandra grips onto the upper neck spike tightly as the two giants collide.

“What is the meaning of this?” Lord Saule demands.

Sam overpowers the black draconem with one fell swoop of her claw, knocking it in the neck, causing the creature to collapse onto an operating table, crushing the corpse on it. Sam elegantly spins to Lord Saule, sprinting for him, wings spread outwards to emphasize her size.

“No!” Llath shouts, standing in front of his leader, who begins to move his hands in strange patterns, creating symbols with his fingers.

Sam doesn’t stop.

“Sam!” Kassandra shouts, leaping off the black draconem who attempts to get up.

Through the chaos, the vazelead shouts, “he’s building an army!”

A thick spike rips through the Llath’s back, raising him in the air. He lets out a howl of pain as he is thrown towards Sam. The point is attached to a white scaled tail coming from Lord Saule’s back. His body begins to twitch as a reverberating growling hum comes from deep within his core. The muscles and spine underneath his skin begin the pulsate, pushing out as his body cracks. The human form he once was breaks apart as his head soars upward from the extending spine, stretching the flesh.

Sam keeps charging towards Lord Saule, swatting Llath’s flying body against a nearby wall. Lord Saule’s back stretches outward as his shoulder blades split apart, forming giant wings. His face extends out into a muzzle with sharp teeth as the skull grows. His skin begins to bubble, morphing into white scales as Sam raises her one claw, swiping downward. The blow hits Lord Saule’s abomination body, sending him tumbling backward. He regains balance on his new clawed feet, staying upward as his form continues to mutate from human and into draconem.

“Sam, we must go!” Kassandra shouts rushing towards her. She spots Llath on the ground, with a gaping hole where his stomach once was. He doesn’t move.

Sam spins around, hurrying to her master. Kassandra snags onto the leather lace. She swings up onto the saddle as Sam takes flight, reaching the second level of the cave and hurrying back to the entrance.

Kassandra takes one look back to see that Lord Saule is gone and what remains is a massive draconem with its wings folded. Karazickle, the Drac Lord of the night. His claws smash against the spiral path, breaking it to pieces. The tail flails around, demolishing the laboratory as he begins the chase. There’s a speckle of glowing gold hanging from this tail . . . it can’t be.

Sam dashes in a strident sprint, flapping her wings to gain more momentum as they reach the cavern entrance. Loud thundering stomps echo as the Drac Lord of the night closes in. There’s no way Kassandra and Sam have the strength to face Karazickle. They have to escape, yet he is faster, more significant, and can easily catch them.

They reach the cavern entrance as Sam leaps upward, flapping her wings to the skies. She jerks backwards, yelping. Karazickle’s jaws chew on her tail, pulling her back. He throws her against the side of the mountain. Kassandra is barely able to stay on!

“You will perish for what you’ve discovered,” Karazickle’s deep menacing voice booms. “The vazeleads are mine. For I will force them into an army of anger and hate, and they won’t even know it. Your words of power do not affect their people. No human, nor nymph, nor any mortal will see what is coming. The Drac Age will be reborn!”

Sam scurries on her feet and hisses, her throat vibrating, ready to fight. She is no match for Karazickle, yet, they cannot outrun him. Kassandra would rather go down with a fight than die a coward. She pulls out her sword, raising it in the air as Sam stands on her hind legs, attempting to size herself up to the Drac Lord.

Karazickle barks and stumbles as if recovering from an attack. He shakes his head, revealing at the back of his skull is Llath. His mace pierces into Karazickle’s head. The weapon radiates a smokeless white fire, blasting into the air and burning the scales on the draconem. The flame is channelling from the Paladin’s core, where blood pours out of the gaping hole in Llath’s flesh. Inside this wound is a glowing golden orb, shaking vigorously – the source of the flame. The paladin’s heavenly power is barely keeping him alive.

Llath’s voice is strident, shouting, “Karazickle, Drac Lord of the night, you will face humanity for the terrors you’ve caused!” He raises his mace and slams it into Karazickle’s scales. A blast of sparks and flame burst from the attack.

Karazickle yelps. “Fool! For I am Lord Saule. Your people are disillusioned.”

“Run, Kassandra! Warn the Council of Just!” Llath lunges the mace down once more, slamming it dead center into Karazickle’s skull.

Kassandra knows they are no match for the Drac Lord. Llath can only hold his life force for so long through the will of the heavenly. She can either die here with Llath or attempt to warn humanity. The paladin knows he is a sacrifice for the greater good. With regret, Kassandra steers Sam clear of the Drac Lord. Sam flaps her wings, gaining momentum into the sky and leaving the tragedy behind.

Llath continues to slam his mace down on the Drac Lord, causing sparks to fly in every which direction. Karazickle cries again and again! For a brief moment, it looks like Llath may even get the upper hand on the Drac Lord, who tumbles several times, stunned from the vicious attacks of the paladin.

Karazickle lets out a fierce roar and throws his head against the mountainside wall, knocking Llath free. The blow is enough to cause the cavern’s entrance to collapse, leaving nothing but snow and rubble over the cave. Llath continues to fall as the Drac Lord swipes him. The blow throws the paladin violently against the rocks. He drops his weapon. The glowing orb from Llath’s core fizzles out in a single blip. The holy flame dissipates.

The battle scene is a mere speck in the distance as Sam flies faster than she ever has before. The piercing icy winds bite Kassandra’s face as she turns to face forward. There may be a chance that Karazickle follows, but unlikely. He was wobbly, and Llath managed to wound him before leaving this realm.

The discovery of the vazelead laboratory was a horror of unimaginable heights. The sightings of draconem around Mount Kuzuchi proved to be true – Karazickle the Drac Lord of the night, and his tamed black draconem. The Drac Lord is alive and well and is hiding amongst humanity as Lord Saule, leader of the Paladins of Zeal, member of the Council of Just.

The Drac Lord’s haunting words echo in Kassandra’s mind . . . “The vazeleads are mine. For I will force them into an army of anger and hate, and they won’t even know it . . . The Drac Age will be reborn!”

He is building an army to strike back at humanity . . . and with the cavern’s collapse, what proof does Kassandra have? Karazickle is capable of shapeshifting – another mystery of the Drac Lord’s power. It gives him an astronomical advantage. He is hiding right amongst humanity’s most extraordinary. Who will believe the accusations Kassandra will make? She’s likely to give herself a death sentence, along with Sam, for making such bold claims. Yet, Llath’s sacrifice cannot be in vain, for the sake of humanity rests on Kassandra’s shoulders and she is unclear how to proceed.

Draconem Revival by Konn Lavery. Mental Damnation Short Story
Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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