Professional Juggler

Aug 3, 2018 | Unprocessed Thoughts

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Another late Unprocessed Thoughts! Shame… shame on missing the mark. This post is technically for July’s edition but it is being released in August. This is an improvement from last year, during the summer of 2017, the blog was a sitting duck. This year I am making sure posts happen, even through prepping for When Words Collide and attending this year’s Terminus Festival. I suppose that makes me a professional juggler?

Welcome to another edition of Unprocessed Thoughts

Like last year, Terminus Festival and When Words Collide are only two weeks apart. Two trips to Calgary. One filled with loud electronic noise, late nights and a lot of shouting and the other is informative, inspiring and a key place for authors to network. Pleasure and Business.
In addition to my new professional juggler career, another ball was added to the mix with more contract work – exciting! The constant hustle is nothing new if you really look back at the Unprocessed Thoughts series. Each one consists of mentioning work-balance-to-fun ratio. Let’s not go there again.

Terminus Festival

Before we go further, let me get this off my chest… wow! Terminus 2018 was a blast. I’ve gone since 2014 and every year has been a lot of fun. I enjoy the fact that the bands are intermixed with the attendees during the event, which gives them a human element vs large concerts or festivals where you are unlikely to meet the performers.

2018’s Terminus introduced a pre-party as well, making it a total of four days of chaos. If you ever want to be inspired to make industrial music, this festival will make it happen.
Outside of catching up with friends I only see once a year at the festival, there were a number of highlights such as Unter Null, Author & Punisher, Android Lust and Street Sects. The festival had some heavy hitters like Mesh Trst and Leather Strip as well. It was a great escape for four days. Now, it’s time to get the game face on and get back on track.

When Words Collide

I am very pleased to say I am participating in presenting at When Words Collide! Check out their full program list to see all of the great programs available. Every year When Words Collide ignites a fire in my writing. The craft is such an isolating experience. When you get together with a bunch of other authors you realize you are not in it alone. The struggles and joys you experience are shared amongst many others.

This year I am only at When Words Collide for the Friday and Saturday. The Saturday I will be presenting DIY Graphic Design for Authors and on a panel with Beth Wagner about Indie Publishing. I will also be participating in a signing session.
For Sunday, I am signing at Indigo Signal Hill then driving back home to get back to writing and working through the pile of projects that need to be wrapped up by the end of the month.
September, I’ll have more news on Mental Damnation Vol III. Who knows? maybe a teaser will sneak in this month if I get a handle on my life.

Beer Note: Howe Sound Inn & Brewing Company’s Devil’s Elbow IPA

During the Terminus fiasco, one night I consumed the Howe Sound Inn & Brewing Company’s Devil’s Elbow IPA that came in a liter bottle. Truthfully it was the name and label design that drew me in. It was also a liter and $12 at the liquor store. Seemed like a good deal. It was not nearly as hoppy as I was expecting considering the name. Maybe other parts of the Devil taste hoppier. Regardless, with my hoppy taste buds in mind, I’d give this a 4/5.

Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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