“You really didn’t care where you went, as long as she was safe.” Draegust to Darkwing
“I did, but can I not be pleased to see you? Since the Weaver has ordered me to watch over the City of Blood, I…
A knight in the Knight’s Union who was a part of Captain Franthar’s squadron alongside Fierel Flamseworth. She, along with Vixor Pureheart, Lorthuum Pureheart, and…
“I will perform the task with precision,” Evelune to Imperia
One of the original Blood Hound members, presumed dead after the gang’s attempt to assault Demontochai.
Priest of the High Barracks church.
“Perhaps that is the problem with the gods,” Fierel said. “The Truce of Passing was imprudent.” Fierel to Malpherities
“The underworld is filled with many surprises,” Fleerew said. “Don’t let it distract you. We don’t want to stay in one spot for too long.”…
(fong-oh-zent) – Draconem of gold. He discovered that the vazelead people and the draconem shared a common ancestry during the Drac Age.
(for-lash) – A Renascence Guard who patrols the Lower District in search of gangs and scum. He captured Krista and Darkwing in one of his…
One of the paladins on Mount Kuzuchi, and a close friend of Zalphium. He perished during the ice storm caused by Drac Lord Karazickle.
Soldier in the High Barracks of Zingalg. He is well trained, trusted by Paladin, and trains the boys in vigorous exercises.
(fi-them) – The citadel prison’s head torturer. He decides where prisoners go and when they should be interrogated for information.
An angel in the Heavenly Kingdoms who is known for her beauty and mesmerizing voice. She was discovered in the centre beast’s stomach in the…
A god in the Heavenly Kingdoms responsible for the security of the heavens. He works closely with Crasoe to ensure the Truce of Passing is…
A god who leads the Ring of Judgment.
“I wish to dismiss Dr. Alsroc’s letter! Yet, the words have raised concern that I cannot shun. The disease victims are depicted as crossing from…