Ash is a drug founded by the Crystal Moths and the Vazeleads, who introduced it into the market as phase one of their end goals…
The diefym leaf is from Zingalg and is used by Balancers of the Grove to heal wounds. Chewing the leaf into a paste and smearing…
The staff was gifted by Mother Nature to the Balancers of the Grove. It was protected by the four elemandriases. Each Elemandrias kept a piece…
These matte charcoal spheres are etched with ancient engravings of a language long forgotten. They glow orange and let linked souls communicate with each other….
The ring was owned by Queen Valturus and later inherited by Synarion Lurel after she was dragged into Dega’Mostikas’s Triangle by the World Mother. Synarion…
Queen Valturus first had the pendant in Aewouson in her fallen empire. Synarion commented on the pendant, and she never elaborated on its purpose. The…