Project Process

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Routines Keep You Grounded

Routines Keep You Grounded

It's official, I've now been in Vancouver for a month. I'm still trying to figure out where the time went because it only feels like a week. Perhaps that's why routines keep you grounded, considering 4 weeks were compressed into 1 week within my internal timeline....

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Guard Your Time

Guard Your Time

It's effortless for our time to derail. Often we get swept up by the waves of life's affairs, forgetting what is important to us. Guard your time. That time is vital for you to grow and to enjoy. Whether you're a writer, athlete, musician, practicing a new language,...

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Short Stories and Transmedia

Short Stories and Transmedia

We are over two months into the pandemic self-isolation. Here in Edmonton, the government has initiated phase one of reopening the economy. Personally, I will continue to wait and stay indoors. Life isn't too different from my regular work schedule. I have a home...

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Handling Project Burnout

Handling Project Burnout

For the first blog post of 2020, I figured we could tackle project burnout, a concept that is common among many people, not just creative types. Of course, this is tailored towards writers. If you haven’t experienced project burnout, you are godlike, or you haven’t...

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Headed for the Light

Headed for the Light

One month left in 2017! What a busy ride, and well worth it. We still got another 31 days to go before it comes to a close, so I'll share the recap of the year for a later date. The Headed for the Light title of this blog is in relation to the excessive amount of work...

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