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Promises in Sand

Promises in Sand

In a small village by Life River, a man refuses to accept his people’s beliefs of gods in the sky. He denies the fact that he, too, will die one day. He builds his own faith, one that births from rumours. This belief follows whispers of a forgotten civilization in the...

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New Patreon Tier

New Patreon Tier

Earlier this year I launched the Patreon page with the continuation of the monthly short stories based within The Macrocosm. A huge thanks to everyone who has supported it so far! After some questions about the single tier, I am pleased to share the arrival of a lower...

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Early Access: Rave Novel Chapter 3

Early Access: Rave Novel Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Trash Black Converse laced up—check. Black skinny jeans on—check. Hangover . . . oh well. Nine Inch Nails “Star Fucker” shirt on—check. Leather wrist cuffs and wallet chain—check, check. That headache hits. Joint one and two tucked into socks—check. The...

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Early Access: Rave Novel Chapter 2

Early Access: Rave Novel Chapter 2

Chapter 2 A New Groove Cops are easy to dodge if you’re not stupid. The party bust was a shame for Seth, who had been so thrilled to make a move on Dimitri, finally. Correction: to have Dimitri make a move on him. Either way, the moment was exhilarating and...

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Early Access: Rave Novel Chapter 1

Early Access: Rave Novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Hunting Dogs Drinking to excess, snorting the goods, and smoking the rest—what other way would you spend your post-high school days living in a depressive logging town? Certainly, college wasn’t an option. That’s for rich kids, seriously. Besides, life is...

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I’ve Started a Patreon!

I’ve Started a Patreon!

I am pleased to announce that I have started a Patreon page. It's something I've tossed around amongst peers and friends for a number of years and I've finally made the leap.With the launch of Into the Macrocosm, and just shy of 3 years of the monthly short stories in...

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