As an indie author, or as a small press, you may find yourself needing to learn about formatting a novel for print. There are lots of applications out there, and detailed tutorials that can show you how. In the end, layout and formatting is a skill that a graphic...
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Author DIY Graphic Design – The Design Process
Complete Author DIY Series The Basics of Design Colour Theory Typeface Layout Tools and Technicalities Design Process BONUS: Print Book Formatting Bravo! We have made it to the final blog post in the Author DIY Graphic Design series. Now we can apply everything we...
Author DIY Graphic Design – Tools and Technicalities
Complete Author DIY Series The Basics of Design Colour Theory Typeface Layout Tools and Technicalities Design Process BONUS: Print Book Formatting These are all very theoretical based, and we have yet to discuss graphic design tools and technicalities. The theory is...
Author DIY Graphic Design – Layout
Complete Author DIY Series The Basics of Design Colour Theory Typeface Layout Tools and Technicalities Design Process BONUS: Print Book Formatting The layout is a critical part of all design projects. It is the final gatekeeper of how the public eye will perceive your...
Author DIY Graphic Design – Typeface
Complete Author DIY Series The Basics of Design Colour Theory Typeface Layout Tools and Technicalities Design Process BONUS: Print Book Formatting Typefaces are a critical visual part of our work as writers. Open up any book, and you will see that the texts have...
Author DIY Graphic Design – Colour Theory
Complete Author DIY Series The Basics of Design Colour Theory Typeface Layout Tools and Technicalities Design Process BONUS: Print Book Formatting Following the Author DIY Graphic Design – The Basics post back in July, the series continues with part two: Colour...
Author DIY Graphic Design – The Basics
Complete Author DIY Series The Basics of Design Colour Theory Typeface Layout Tools and Technicalities Design Process BONUS: Print Book Formatting In the digital age of self-promotion, we are constantly producing content of all types online and offline. Production has...
Why do I need to do Book Signings and Where to Begin?
Your book is completed, you’ve done the launch and a wave of relief brushes over you. Or maybe you have more anxiety now that you’re left in the void. Who knows? Regardless, now that your book is out – what do you do next? In a previous post we chatted about what to...