Dark Deals. A Desperate Family. Resurrectionists.

Based on the award-winning Canadian haunt and forthcoming television series, The White Hand brings you into a historical thriller of mobsters, forbidden love, old souls, and betrayal.Their needs wrap them into a deal with the Irish mob – The White Hand.The two men willingly work with the gang as resurrectionists, obtainingbodies for anatomists. Spalding plays with fire, developing something known as love for Irene,the daughter of The White Hand’s boss. With a dash of foul play and newallies, Spalding becomes the glue that holds Rutherford Manor together,and he is coming unbound.

Praise for The White Hand:

“Author Konn Lavery encapsulates the full gamut of human emotion with the stress that Alastor and Spalding find themselves under, from the gory unearthing and unusual acquisitions of fresh meat to the pressures of financial success, freedom and the desire for love and comfort despite the grim world in which they live…” – Readers’ Favorite


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  • Page Count: 303
  • Word Count: 66k
  • Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7750832-3-8
  • Print ISBN: 978-1-7750832-2-1
  • First Published: May 10, 2019 by Matrix Pressworx

“Dark, gritty and thoroughly enthralling. A FINALIST and highly recommended.”
The Wishing Shelf Book Awards

Heart of Darkness Song

By Daniel Martin Ft. Konnor Miskiman

The following song is based on the character Spalding Savidge from The White Hand novel.

Rutherford Manor – a safe haven for some. For others, a home that holds many sinister secrets.

Run by the Fleshers and the Savidges, these two families have survived for generations leading up to the present day of 1890. Headmaster Alastor Flesher and his business partner, Spalding Savidge, find themselves in desperate times to provide for their families.

Their needs wrap them into a deal with the Irish mob – The White Hand. The two men willingly work with the gang as resurrectionists, obtaining bodies for anatomists. Alastor and Spalding develop a unique process, gaining access to the most well-preserved bodies. Their product becomes desirable throughout the black market in Illinois.

Despite the handsome pay, Spalding is left in disarray. Alastor’s desperation for income runs deeper than he ever knew. His moral compass is shattered due to their snatching methods. Spalding plays with fire, developing something known as love for Irene, the daughter of The White Hand’s boss. With a dash of foul play and new allies, Spalding becomes the glue that holds Rutherford Manor together, and he is coming unbound.

Join the Fleshers and the Savidges as they plummet into an era-altering series of events that will change Rutherford Manor forever.