Konn Lavery’s debut novel.

A military dictatorship, politically-driven gangs and their guardians infected and on a hunt for her, Krista has limited options for survival: Does she fend for her life in the City of Renascence, or risk leaving everything behind and enter the uncharted realm of the underworld?

Praise for Reality:

“Both well-written and well thought out, Mental Damnation is an instant classic and I can’t wait to see what happens next!”
– Joshua Grant, Goodreads Reviewer

“When I finally got into the actual book, I found myself unable to put it down, even reading it on my break at work”
– Dawn Herbert, Goodreads Reviewer

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  • Page Count: 384
  • Word Count: 119k
  • Ebook ISBN: 978-0995893818
  • Print ISBN: 978-0995893801
  • First Published: July 17, 2012. Second Edition: March 5, 2017 by Reveal Books

“Konn Lavery has taken me into his mind and carried me on a richly woven tapestry of metaphors for the human condition.”
– Amber, Goodreads Reviewer


Banished to the Underworld. A Ritual. The Disease.

Enter the rich mythical world of Konn Lavery’s debut novel containing a military dictatorship, cults, and politically-driven gangs.

After Krista’s people were banished from the surface by the humans, they were reduced to violence and hatred.
She and her only friend, Darkwing, survive as street kids as their people’s leaders become crazed from an unknown disease – Mental Damnation. After their infection, the Guardians develop a bizarre interest in her, claiming they must reap her innocence for their newfound master, the Weaver. Krista has limited options for survival: Does she fend for her life in the City of Renascence, or risk leaving everything behind and enter the uncharted realm of the underworld?