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Simon Rose Shadowzone Series Second Edition

An Interview with Simon Rose: Shadowzone Series Second Editions

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My guest today is Calgary author Simon Rose, who has published nineteen novels for children and young adults, eight guides for writers, more than 100 nonfiction books, and many articles on a wide variety of topics. Today, we’re looking at the Shadowzone series, which was first published in 2017, with a second edition in 2025.

So, what’s the Shadowzone series all about?

The series involves the discovery of a grim dystopian version of Earth that’s ruled by a totalitarian dictatorship, the threat of a deadly virus, and a race against time to save the lives of millions. Without giving too much away, here’s a synopsis for each of the novels.


While watching intense flashes of lightning during a violent storm, Ben experiences mysterious and disturbing visions of another world, one that’s very different from his own. In the chain of events that follow, Ben encounters Charlie, a girl from a dark version of Earth, a planet doomed by the effects of environmental catastrophe, where the leaders will stop at nothing to complete their deadly mission. 

Into The Web 

On a doomed version of Earth, the sinister schemes of the Ministry are moving ever closer to completion, with dire consequences for the inhabitants of two worlds. For Ben and Charlie, an unlikely alliance, unexpected reunions, and the mysterious prophecy of the Chosen One offer a glimmer of hope, with the ever-present prospect of betrayal, as they embark on an unpredictable journey into the unknown. 

Black Dawn 

In a dark parallel world, following attacks by its most determined opponents, the Ministry has been forced to change its plans. Yet the ruthless Director-General is prepared to sacrifice anyone to achieve an entirely new beginning, no matter what the cost. In a deadly race against time, as events spiral out of control, Ben and Charlie must risk their lives in a desperate attempt to save two worlds from destruction. 

What inspired you to write these three books? What’s the story behind the story?

The original idea was about someone capturing mysterious images on a video camera of a person that no one else could see. It was around the time that a local hospital was about to be demolished. I imagined that my character was filming the event and captured the image of the person stepping seemingly unharmed from the rubble as the building came down.

For a while, that’s all I had, and it was one of those ideas that I was never sure would come to anything. It was early in my writing career, and I put it aside and worked on other stories, but I’d periodically add another element to the story about the camera and the mysterious individual. At one point, I decided that the person that the boy caught on film wasn’t a ghost but from another dimension or perhaps a parallel universe and they were attempting to contact him for some reason. I then began to add details of this other Earth and the reasons for the connection to our world, and it went from there. An initial concept involving kidnappings from hospitals didn’t quite work, so instead, and before the arrival of the recent pandemic, I developed the idea of a deadly virus, which was a good fit with the type of government running the other Earth. Once that was all in place, I was able to get to work.

Was it always going to be a series?

Shadowzone was originally only one novel, but once I’d finished it, I immediately realized that the story wasn’t over and that I need to write more. The final installment was written very quickly, and, in the process, I knew that I needed to expand the earlier sections too, so in the end I had a trilogy.

So of course, people need to read all three.

You could certainly just read Shadowzone, but there’s a cliffhanger ending and hopefully most people will feel utterly compelled to be read on and learn what happens next. Into The Web and Black Dawn also don’t make sense if you haven’t read the first book in the series. Taken together, it’s an exciting, fast paced adventure that I hope everyone will really enjoy.

So, is it a good idea for authors to write a series of books?

It can be, but only if you have enough material for multiple books. If readers are sufficiently interested in the story and the characters after completing the first installment, they’d usually like to read more. However, the story or theme has to be strong enough to warrant more adventures. The reader won’t appreciate any novel that’s overloaded with filler, just for the sake of creating a series, and might avoid any books by the same author in the future.

And you’re doing adaptations of the Shadowzone books for TV and movies, aren’t you?

Yes, I’ve created a synopsis for a three-season TV series based on the Shadowzone books. I’ve also created a script for the initial episode, based on the first novel in the series. The three books involve a dark parallel version of Earth, mysterious portals, and the threat of a deadly virus. The dystopian setting has proved popular over the years and will probably continue to appear on screen. There has been interest in the project from people involved in film and TV projects and I’m certainly open to working with others to bring this one to life. 

I’ve also seen some TV shows recently in which although there were adult characters, the main ones were in their mid or late teens and the show could be watched and enjoyed by adults. The lead characters were the same age as those in the Shadowzone books and in the novels in my paranormal Flashback series. That encouraged me to work on adaptations of the stories for the screen, since it seemed that there might be a market for them. I’m continuing to work on further episodes for the first season of the Shadowzone TV series.

What are you currently working on?

I always have a few current projects and right now, along with the script adaptations, I’m working on another historical fantasy novel series, this time set in the early years of World War II. I’m also working on more books in the same genre as my previously published paranormal Flashback novels, a fantasy series, and a historical fiction novel. I’m also teaching writing courses at the University of Calgary and am working with some authors in the Alexandra Writers Centre’s Author Development Program.

Anyone interested in keeping up to date with the projects that I’m working on is always welcome to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, which you can do at

You work with other authors, don’t you?

Yes, I offer coaching, editing, consulting, and mentoring services for writers of novels, short stories, fiction, nonfiction, biographies, and in many other genres, plus do work with writers of scripts and screenplays. I’m a writing instructor and mentor at the University of Calgary and served as the Writer-in-Residence with the Canadian Authors Association. You can find details of some of the projects I’ve worked on with other authors, along with some references and recommendations, at

So where can people buy all the books in the Shadowzone series?

The books can be purchased at most of the usual places, as follows:


Ebook: Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Japan, iBooks, Smashwords, Scribd

Paperback: Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Japan

Into The Web

Ebook: Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Japan, iBooks, Smashwords, Scribd

Paperback: Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Japan

Black Dawn

Ebook: Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Japan, iBooks, Smashwords, Scribd

Paperback: Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Japan

The Shadowzone Series Box Set

Ebook: Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Japan, Scribd, iBooks, Smashwords

Thanks Simon, for being my guest today and the very best of luck with the Shadowzone series.

You can learn more about Simon and his work on his website at, subscribe to his newsletter, or connect online.

Konn Lavery Canadian Horror Author Vancouver

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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