2022 in Review

Dec 28, 2022 | Unprocessed Thoughts

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We’re almost done with another trip around the sun! 2022 was a life-changing ride, and I’m glad to move on. For this Unprocessed Thoughts, we’ll give the year are good summary and look at what’s coming in 2023. This is . . . 2022 in Review.

Welcome to Another Edition of Unprocessed Thoughts

I’ve done a lot of writing this year, despite only publishing one choose your own path book. That’s okay because next year I will catch the white whale. In addition, most of this year was dedicated to things I’ve always wanted personally. You only live once and might as well take a chance at doing something you love.

2022 in Review

Philosophical talk aside, let’s do a bullet list summary, shall we? They’re easier to scan:

  • I moved to Vancouver in British Columbia from Edmonton, Alberta. This was a significant time vampire. The deed is done. Onwards and upwards.
  • I published one book. Beyond the Macrocosm: Interactive Short Stories of Dread and Wonder further explores the Macrocosm with plenty of dark fantasy, horror, and sci-fi thrills. Unfortunately, this book isn’t only intended for fans of the Macrocosm. Thus, it was only a soft release. I didn’t submit it to any award programs because it doesn’t wedge into a genre.
  • I finished writing the white whale of my life. I’ve been working on the Ash Born series for a long time. It’s entirely written, nearly done with revisions, and it is coming out next year.
  • I accidentally wrote the first fifth of a new horror novel. It was intended for a short story collection. The project ultimately folded. After reviewing the short, it’s clear it will make a fun novel.
  • I reworked the entire newsletter and learned online marketing. This is in preparation for the Ash Born series next year.
  • Rave and Into the Macrocosm had some award recognitions.
  • Into the Macrocosm hit Amazon best seller in Horror Short Stories.

There we go. That’s the short and sweet summary of what I did this year. I did a lot of extra bits, such as continually growing my graphic design business. I have had new clients and learned new industry tools and tricks. None of that is related to writing, though.

2023: Onwards and Upwards

I’m excited about what the future holds in 2023. With Ash Born destined to come out, working on a new horror novel, and some short story submissions, I hope to enter the New Year with a bang.

Thank you all for the support this year as I sort out my life and continue to write. Expect more releases next year as we continue to explore the Macrocosm.

Beer Note: Steam Works Pale Ale

I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about this in previous Unprocessed Thoughts. It’s the only beer I have because I keep drinking it. That speaks volumes about its good taste and repeatability.

Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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