Book Launched!

Jun 26, 2019 | Unprocessed Thoughts

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Unlike last month, which was about leisurely time, June’s unprocessed thoughts is the aftermath of having the book launched! The White Hand, a Rutherford Manor novel, is now available. The past couple weeks have been a real whirlwind hence the blog falling on the back burner. Posts have been less frequent, hence why there is only been three per month, so I can spend more time writing on the next book. Now that this book launched, we can get back on track with the blog.

Welcome to another edition of Unprocessed Thoughts

between the VIP launch, the official launch at Audrey’s, and the Calgary Horror Con, The White Hand has been successful launch. The press kit, interviews, early access reviews, and award submissions were all organized and submitted in time for release. Wow. Launching a book is a lot of work. It makes the writing part seem a lot easier.

Once a book is launched, there’s the post-release effort of promoting the book. You want to get it in as many hands as possible. The work never fully stops with a book release. With every new book that is published, it supports the backlog of previous titles. Each one contributes to your author career, and your author brand.

Every year that I have pursued writing professionally since 2012, I have grown a little wiser and a little smarter. Always take advice from those that are more experienced than you. Also learn from your mistakes so you can avoid them in the future. Be careful not to overanalyze which is the category I fall under. More often than not, I will overthink about what I did during the process of a new book. This includes the initial idea, first draft, editing, prerelease, and post-launch. You can drive yourself mad if you think about it too much. Realistically all we can do is our best, take notes, and improve on the next launch. This is why am pleased about the launch of The White Hand. It is one of the smoothest releases I’ve had to date.

A book launched, what’s next?

Now that The White Hand has been released, I’ve been asking myself what’s next? If you’ve been following the Instagram or Facebook stories, you’ll see that I have been busy working on the next book. The about section has been updated with the status of where it is at. The work that I am putting in this year is to have an exciting next year. The plan is to have it be a big push for the author career. It is the start of a new decade in 2020. So why not make it big?

Working smarter, not harder

in the spirit of learning and growing every year, I am in the process of finding ways to work smarter and not as hard. It is easy to spin your wheels and do the grind. When you are grinding, you don’t get a chance to take a step back and see how you can improve on your workflow. Maybe you don’t have to metaphorically break your back. This is where I’m at now in 2019. I am finding the best ways to do the important work and reduce the amount of unnecessary work.

I’ll have to write a blog post once this experimentation is done. That way I can share with everyone who is looking to improve their writing process and career. For now, keep watch on the Instagram stories to see what I’ll be doing next. Also, the events have been updated see can see where I will be at the summer. Thank you all for the support.

Beer Note: Red Bison Party Pants Pale Ale

Red Bison Party Pants Pale Ale is light and easily drinkable. It says on the back to put you in a good mood, and it does. Something that could easily be a couple of drinks or more. If you’re a fan of slight oat hints, grab this one! 

Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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