Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim– Historical/Paranormal Author, and Radio Show Host

Jun 25, 2019 | Interview

Home » Blog » NaNoWriMo » Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim– Historical/Paranormal Author, and Radio Show Host

This month’s guest author is Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim who has a PhD in history from the Bowling Green State University. He has served six years in the US Army as a jail guard and later as a helicopter pilot. He has published eight books and written ten plays, two of them which he has produced.

Let’s learn more about Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim and welcome him to the blog!

Thank you for joining us Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim, can you give us a brief introduction to yourself?

My parents came from Northern Norway to the United States after World War II where they lived under Nazi occupation. I was born in Seattle in 1958. I have served six years in the US Army, worked five years at Boeing, and have taught college history for 28 years. I was also a Fulbright scholar and professor in 2003. I have four children, one grandchild, and another grandchild on the way.

Eight books and ten plays, wow! What was your first release and how has your writing evolved since then?

The doctoral dissertation, the Nordic Nexus. It was a study of the Nordic region during the Cold War. I was a pure academic in those days, now I write plays, children’s books, and paranormal non-fiction, and a comic book that is coming out later this year.

What do you prefer more, literary writing or play script writing?

I enjoy both. Playwrighting is a communal adventure because you work with directors, producers, actors, lighting and props managers, and set designers. Literary writing is a solitary thing, until you publish and then it is open to the world.

A lot of your work has political themes and subjects. Do you think your time in the army has influenced your writing?

Definitely. My time in the army influences my day to day living. Since I am a disabled veteran, a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think about the military, both good and bad. I believe that people need to do something everyday to make our world better and alleviate the suffering of others. Action!

Tell us about your latest novel, Timeless, A Paranormal Personal History.

It is a memoir of my paranormal experiences since age four. The first Timeless book documents 34 such events ranging from ghosts to demons, angels to telekinesis. My second book, Timeless Deja Vu, just came out and it adds 31 more stories and goes farther and deeper dealing with the nature of reality, mediumship, and alien contact. The third Timeless book will come out next year, Timeless Trinity, and it will be the most spiritual of the books.

Can you tell us about your radio show that you host?

Timeless Esoterica covers the paranormal, supernatural, alien life, conspiracies, and hidden history. I interview exciting guests who have lived, experienced, and/or written about their unusual adventures. My first guest was world renowned paranormal scientist Dr. Dean Radin. I have also interviewed abductees, an eyewitness to the JFK assassination and other interesting folks.

For aspiring authors, what type of advice would you give a first-time author?

I’m always compelled to write something. Be bold and write about what compels you and what you think is important regardless of what others tell you or what the market is indicating. Be true to yourself, take chances, be honest, and let the cards fall where they may.

Let’s thank Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim for joining us again to the blog!

You can find Dr. Solheim’s work on his website, amazon, and the various links below:

Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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