Trick or Treat?
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Trick… usually. Trick or Treat rarely ends in a treat. At least a good horror story should end in a trick. Although if you enjoy horror stories isn’t that a treat on its own? Either way, it is the season of pumpkin-flavoured everything. Ghouls, ghosts, witches and every other haunted thing under the moon is in fashion. I quite enjoy the season, the aesthetics, decorations, plus a lot of horror movies come out at this time of year. There are also a lot of end-of-the-year planning and prep work to be done for the new year. It’s already October, only two more months and 2017 is done. Where did the time go?
Welcome to another edition of Unprocessed Thoughts.
The time went to a lot of hard work. Truthfully this has been one of the most aggressive years in my career as an author and as a graphic designer. Both aspects of my life have come a long ways in the past 10 months and I am very pleased with where all of it has gone. It does leave you a bit worn out – a good vacation will be needed at the end of the year. For now, like with every year, I got to hang on tight and ride the roller coaster of the last quarter of the year.
I don’t talk a lot about my graphic design work.
I really should talk more about my graphic design and web development work. It is a large part of my life that I keep pretty quiet online. I have a twitter and a website, that is all. Most of my marketing for it has been through the business cards and networking. It is a major passion of mine along with writing. If you hadn’t seen my portfolio (that is outdated) it is revealdesign.ca. A brand refresh is in the works, probably won’t be around for another year or so. I’ll be sure to talk about that once it is out.
I do talk a lot about my writing though.
That is kind of the purpose of this website isn’t it? With that in mind, if you don’t follow me on instagram, I gave a sneak peek at some new artwork for the upcoming thriller novel:
This is a new art form for me. It is known as photo illustration. I’ll be sure to elaborate on the process in the coming months. First thing I have to do is finish the revisions before making any solid announcements.
Overall I am very excited to release this novel. It is faster, more violent and more action focused than my previous works. It has been a challenge to write because its also the most earth-bound work I have done. It could very much happen in the real world. That means there are no demons, reptilian people or flesh eating plants.
Does that make it a Trick or Treat?
Well, early beta readers have said it is a nod to the Punisher comic book hero. Currently I have beta readers going through the novel before it enters the editing phase. The novel complimenting The Punisher wasn’t my intent, but I am going to consider that a win.
Beer Note: Boneshaker Unfiltered IPA by Amsterdam Brewery
I’ve had Boneshaker Unfiltered IPA a lot. It is quite hoppy and has a high alcohol level (78.1% to be exact). It has been a little difficult to find lately. Not sure if it is just my local area or if it is on a larger level. Either way I found it earlier this month and snagged the last six pack. It is a strong beer and you have to enjoy the taste of hops to like this. One bottle is pretty potent so do enjoy every sip thoroughly.
For my hoppy taste buds, I’d give this beer a 4/5.

About Konn Lavery
Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.